Suddenly the giant glass shard that encased them was broken. Nothing but loud gasping and coughing was heard "FUCKING LAND MINE!" Jamari yelled coughing "Is everyone okay?" He asked looking around helping Kevin back up "Yea I'm fine" Zambia said groaning and holding her head, Dominique got up behind her holding her shoulder as Bobby and Kevon got up too. "Welcome.." A thousand voices said in the air around them "the hell was that?" Kevin said as everyone looked up and around, "We're you. From alternate dimensions around the universe and far beyond this plane. We shall all forever exist as strands in the fabric of time and history" the voices explained. "Fuck nah" Kevon said "the fuck is happening" Bobby asked as everyone backed into a big circle "This..." an astral plane figure rose from the ground in between them, it looked like a blue silk sheet flowing and it's hands were out open palmed on both sides " the end" it's voice said now distorted and glitchy "The Fu-" Jamari was about to say as he turned around but a portal threw open in everyone's direction that they were flung into rapidly. For a while a deep silence was heard as they all vanished, "......wHa!" "ThE fuCk mAn wHaT the fU-" I c a n ' t s t o p p l e a s e I c a n ' t s t o-" " whoa whoa whoa whoa what the fuck" "Holy SHIIIIiiiiiiii..." "hElp...PLeH.....Em" all the voices of everyone flying through portals of their memories. Distorted and warped the words barely escaped in a blink of an eye all the others faded as Jamari flung through his past until one moment where he slowed down and the frame of the house all came together as he walked through the door to his room. He stretched and yawned closing his door and sitting down, he picked up his pencil and started sketching out his manga, after a few birds chirped........He heard a tap on his window.