"I'll go.." Zambia said, she stood facing the long black asphalt wall, took a deep breath, and slowly opened her eyes showing the bright green color and in a flash the light was gone, however it left two giant bright green crystalized circles on the wall. Everyone clapped for some reason and Zambia bowed playing along "My turn" Chasity said facing the wall, she stuck her tongue out and it turned a neon green as it turned into crystal form, she broke it off as it grow longer and turned into sword, afterwards she took a large swing at the wall leaving a green slice mark in it. "Whoa...now that was hardcore" Jamari said "My turn" Bobby said as he took the same place as the last two, but he turned facing the group. He held his hands in front of him as his entire body started turning into yellow crystal, he was a crystalloid using the crystal as armor. *claps from everyone* "Alright Bob" Jamari said "Guess it's my turn" Martin said as he got up and faced the wall, he took a deep breath and let his throat swell up and it had a bright purple color, he spat out purple crystal large crystal shards into the wall. "Aye hey!" Bobby said excitedly "ahem.....its my turn" Jamari said as he took the designated place. He raised his arms and as he brought them down quickly both his arms were covered in purple crystals *everyone's quiet* "That's it?" Chasity said Jamari put his arms up to the wall in front of him as Bobby did and put his arms together as the crystals on his arms got larger and shot out a huge bright purple crystal spear thought the wall and out of the arcade, he then put his arms down and his crystals went away. "Whooooa!" Said Zambia"NO WAY!" Bobby yelled "Waaaay cool man!" Chasity said "hmmmm...Jay were you and Martin struck at the same time or by the same crystal?" Bobby asked "Yea...how'd you know?" Jamari asked back "Because it seems those who were struck by the same crystal together share the same color, however... Mine is only yellow because I was struck alone" Bobby explained "Yea now that you mention it all of us are the same color except you" Jamari said "Wait....What'd you think man?" Jamari asked Martin "oh...uhm yeah it was awesome man" He said (Something definitely isn't right...) Martin thought to himself.