"Ahehehe....hehehahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" The guy laughed, "shocking isn't it?" He asked Jamari "How...how are you here? Why are you here?" Jamari asked "TELL ME!" He demanded. "Easy tiger" the man said sitting up against the bookcase behind the desk with his bloody leg with a shard in it, "Names Sentry, I'm a government scientist tasked with researching the outbreak in crystals around the world that grant heightened abilities. I was told to bring all test subjects here and feed them several lies to see them and the crystals that had affected their bodies in action, but you...man you're quite the specimen" Sentry explained. Jamari sat there resorting to his original form as he took in the information "y-you were there that day....the first day we came back... you were that man in the suit at my house...HOW DARE YOU COME INTO MY HOME WHERE MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE YOU FUCKING INSECT!" He ranted pushing his back against the case and punching him across the jaw multiple times "I LOST HIM!" He said holding on to his suit shaking him "I-I lo-...I lost him..." he said weakly with tears down his face. "such a shame. I enjoyed him" Sentry said looking at the ceiling, Jamari looked up at him slowly with tears and anger in his eyes "Answer two questions." He told him "okay." Sentry said "where's home from here?" He asked "that's easy, go out the main entrance, head right until you see the city limits" Sentry explained. "Now.. what happened to Chasity.." he asked him "Ahahaha! That's also easy, just how it explains Pullock. They never existed. Hologram rendered characters imbedded into your memory to think she was your friend, Stacy was a great doctor I might add a shame she died..." Sentry told him "so that's who that woman was....Thank you..." Jamari said "it's been an honor observing you Mr. Da-" Sentry almost said before being cut off "Don't. You. Dare." He said as he snapped Sentry's neck, sat for a while then stood to see someone looking at him "W-what are you?" They asked. "D-.....Dominique?.....why are you here?" He asked her " I just got out of my cell from some shit exploding and blowing up...now I know what it was" she explained, "so...he's dead...can we go home now?" She asked "Yea....Yea we can" he said walking out in front of her before looking back at her "What?" She asked as he looked at her neck. ".......nothing..let's go" he said as they made it all the way back to where the court was and seeing Zambia Bobby and everyone else "Zam Bam!" Dom screamed running towards her "Dominique?...DOMINIQUE!" Zambia said running at her and hugged each other tightly as Jamari walked right pass them helping up Kevin and looked around...and saw the entrance from where they were "Let's go home.." he said as he started walking with Kevin. Zambia was catching up with Dominique telling her everything that happened "Oh! I almost forgot if you were here that means you have powers like us..well what's your color?" She asked "Oh I'm blue" Dominique said as A click was heard and Jamari looked back quickly "RU-" an explosion surrounded everyone that encased them all in glass from the heated sand.