The Bridge of Khazad-dum

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There was a bang on the door. Aragorn's gaze, and mine, whirled to the door. Aragorn quickly took out a bow and arrow, aiming at the door.

Gimli climbed on top of Balin's tomb. "Let them come! There is one Dwarf in Moria who still draws breath!"

The doors began to make cracking sounds, and I gripped my sword, steadily and tightly. Axes pierced wholes into the door, making openings that Legolas shot through to kill the orcs. With another hit the doors burst open. Legolas and Aragorn shot the orcs that were running in.

I slashed at the knees of Orcs that ran past me and stabbed them as they fell. I cut off two Orcs' heads and stabbed one in front of me. But everything seemed to slow down as loud, ground-shaking thumps drew near. My eyes widened as they fell on the cave-troll.

It stopped in front of Sam and rose is mace to strike Sam. But Sam rolled under the troll in order to avoid the attack. I ran to the troll and stabbed it's leg. Aragorn and Boromir were pulling on the Troll's chain. It turned around, and my eyes widned. The troll grabbed it's chain and threw Boromir across the room using the chain.

"Bre!" Aragorn ran and grabbed me out of the troll's attack. He stood up and threw his sword at the Orc that was about to attack Boromir.

I looked up and saw a handful of Orcs rushing to Caleniel on the second level. I began piercing the chests of the Orcs near me and continued slashing my way to Caleniel. But Legolas appeared to be doing the same thing.

I heard a screech behind me and turned to see Aragorn with the corpse of an Orc stabbed by his sword.

As I was about to smile, I heard Pippin scream. My head whirled toward the hobbit, and I saw the troll strike down with his hammer.

"Frodo," Aragorn called as he stabbed an orc.

"I'll get to him!" I tried to run to the hobbit, but there were Orcs in my way.

I took a deep breath and began cutting and slashing at the foul creatures. Aragorn was now at my side and moving faster.

He attacked an Orc in front of us. "Faster!"


"Frodo!" Aragorn ran ahead as I pierced an Orc's chest.

I heard the groans of Frodo as I cut off an Orc's head. I turned toward the Hobbit's direction. My breath escaped me as I saw the Ring-bearer with a spear pierced into his body.


I quickly blocked an Orc's attack and kicked him back. I stabbed another Orc's core and slit the first Orc's neck. The troll was now screeching, and I ran to it, helping the others fight it off. Caleniel shot the troll's forehead. But the killing blow came from Legolas, shooting the troll in the mouth.

Pippin fell off of the troll as it toppled. I immediately rushed to Frodo. Aragorn turned him over onto his back. He groaned and seemed to be catching his breath.

I let out a small laugh, shaking my head. The mithril... it must be.

Sam said, "He's alive."

"I'm all right." Frodo sat up on his own. "I'm not hurt."

"You should be dead," said Aragorn. "That spear would have skewered a wild boar."

Gandalf stepped forward. "I think there's more to this Hobbit than meets the eye."

Frodo unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the shirt of Mithril rings that Thorin gave Bilbo.

"Mithril," Gimli gasped. "You're full of surprises, Master Baggins."

I smiled and then frowned. I heard the sounds of more Orcs. "Gandalf."

The Fellowship of the Ring (Finished but Editing)Where stories live. Discover now