Chapter 10

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Please go back to t he very short chapter 9 before you begin reading, a paragraph has been added.


Another day begins with pounding on my very fragile door. I roll off my bed with body parts aching from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position, i let out a curse as i fumble with the keys before finally unlocking and opening the door.

"My gosh, you look like the dogs breakfast you little slut"

My barely open eyes need no confirmation, the tone, the voice and the insults are all dead giveaways to the human standing at my threshold.

"Trevor!!" I squawk and catapult myself towards my absolutely fantastically flamboyantly gay best friends open arms. "I missed you little beast" he replies to my squeals. For the first time in forever, in the comfort of my friend's arms, i don't feel like absolutely everything is going to hell. "Wait, what are you doing here?" I inquire suspiciously. "I can leave if it's an issue" he says in a pretense tone of hurt. "No stupid!! You know what i mean"

Trevor nudges me into the house and follows behind me "I saw it Tam and i had to be here for you." he's tone is no longer playful and cheery like before which frightens me a little "Saw what?" I ask temporarily confused before it hits me; the damn video that got me fired and pretty much ruined my life. The elation felt due to my best friends arrival disappears, leaving me feeling deflated. "Ohhh" i half whisper.

"Don't worry, I'm here now to pamper you into oblivion" he says tapping me reassuringly on the shoulder.

"I don't want to be pampered, I want to go back to bed"

"It's 2pm you need to get off your sorry ass, clean yourself up and come with me"

I silently complain as my bestfriend/saviour drags me to the bathroom and forces me to shower. He goes to pick an outfit for me while I stand under the hot soothing water.

"Babe, why are all of your clothes so.... 2005? he shouts from the bedroom.

I ignore him and continue enjoying the water. I let the heat melt away all of my sorrows. when i feel I am sufficiently clean I step out the shower and wrap myself in a warm fluffy towel.

"I was starting to think you drowned in there" Trevor sniggers as I walk back into the bedroom. I glance and the skimpy outfit he has chosen for me but don't even bother to raise a word in complaint. I dress quickly and we leave my safe haven in a hurry. "My favorite ice cream store will close" Trevor complains to try get me to walk faster.

He insists on driving because that's what being "pampered " involves. We zoom into the city and I feel myself start relaxing in the cream leather seats. Speed has always had this effect on me and my best friend knows it.

Our first stop is Macy's the ice cream shop Trevor was nagging about. I order a plain vanilla cup and get dissapointed glares from Trevor while orders some ridiculously long and complicated flavour. "You're so plain and boring, what would you do with out all of my fabulosity in your life? "

"I have no idea" I respond with a grateful smile. This isn't the first time Trevor's had to deal with my borderline chronic depression episodes. "Okay then, let's go shopping!" he shouts.

"I'm unemployed remember, shopping isn't really something unemployed people should spend their time doing"

After a thoughtful moment Trevor gets a spark in his eye and stands up full of determination  then heads to the counter. From this distance I can't hear what is being said between the owner of the shop, Macy, and my over eager friend. He walks back to me with a triumphant smile plastered on his face.

"You've got a job, you start tomorrow. Now let's go"

Before I can get over my shock and ask a single question I am whisked from the ice cream store to the fancy shoe shop next door. "Trevor wait!  How?  What happened back there? "

"If you spend the day shopping with me I'll tell you at dinner, every detail I promise. Oooo these would look so cute on you" he says masterfully changing the subject while placing the shoes into my hands. I gawk and the price tag and begin shaking my head.

"Don't worry, it's on Daddy" he says waving a black credit card in the air. By daddy he is referring to his extremely wealthy sugar daddy David. After hearing this piece of information I continue to shop freely. David is one of the most successful restauranteurs in the country. My friend works hard for this money and as much as Trevor likes to shop he could never spend even half the money David provides. We shop until we literally cannot shop anymore (all the shops close) before deciding to call it a day and find food.

Every single muscle in my body is aching by the time we reach the posh rooftop restaurant Trevor loves to dine in. If it wasn't for Trevor and his connection to David (who owns the place!) I would have never even known this place existed, let alone been allowed into the door!

I would feel so out of place amongst such elegance and sophistication if it were not for my newly trimmed and highlighted hair. Coupled with the sexy burgundy bandage dress Trevor had begged me to buy, gushing about how well it exaggerated my curves. We enter the restaurant formally with me on Trevor's arm,  he looks  extremely handsome in his well tailored, all black work suit. I see how Trevor and I catch people's attention as soon as we walk in, we look like a young beautiful couple ready to take on the world.

Once we're seated I let Trevor do the ordering, I cannot decipher the over priced French menu and I'm afraid I might accidentally order snails. Argh. I instantly regret my decision when our food finally arrives and there's barely anything on the plate! My stomach grumbles through out the night, I can't even tell Trevor how bloody hungry I am because he keeps gushing about how proud he is of Davids latest Chef from Paris who made the measly morsels.

The upside is the extremely expensive bottle of wine we sip on while starving! I'm terribly disappointed when desert arrives and the portion is once again tiny. I savour the small amount of caramel left in the spoon while closing my eyes; a very very very very small taste of heaven.

When i open my eyes again my heart completely stops. It can't be.

Oh but it can.

Damon Wyatt in the flesh standing right next to our table. Our eyes lock for a good sixty seconds before Trevor finally clears his throat "Umm Tam, mind introducing me to your friend?"




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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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