Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to kodapo98, you are awesome! So sorry I couldn't give you a proper dedication.


I park outside the skyscraper building that is Wyatt inc, I'm dressed in black skinnies, black converse sneakers, a white top that's a bit to tight for my liking and a black blazer for s hint of professionalism...

I tie my hair in to a lose pony tail, put some eyeliner and a bit of lipstick on. I decide to wear my glasses instead of contracts to make myself look more sophisticated. I take my hand bag and cv then walk into the cooly air-conditioned building.

The ground floor looks like something out of a magazine, I take a minute to take in the beauty and the elegant design before I walking up to the front desk I put on my best smile and say in a quite, respectful voice "Hi I'm Tam Carty, I saw an add in the newspaper as a PA here"

A tall neatly dressed blonde woman is sitting at a computer behind the desk. She looks up at me then looks me up and down "You're probably in the wrong building, the strip club is a few blocks down darling" she carries on working after saying that, like nothing even happened.

After getting over the shock of what I just heard anger settles and with that anger comes sheer determination. A plan immediately forms in my head but I have to keep my temper under wraps to see it through.

"Oh is that where they found you?" I ask mockingly "Let me guess your stage name was candy" I add in false sympathy. Her face turns a ghastly shade of red but that just fuels me more to ask "So who did you sleep with? I doubt it was the big boss, you don't seem classy enough. Maybe the head of human resources?" by the enlarging of her eyes I know I've hit the nail on the head.

I lean in and pat her hand softly before repeating my earlier statement "Hi I'm Tam Carty, I saw an add in the newspaper as a PA here" then adding "You'll catch flies honey, if you don't close your mouth."

She quickly snaps her mouth shut before scribbling a floor number on a sticky note and handing it to me grudgingly. I smile sweetly before heading to the elevator.

When I get to the top floor I take a deep breath, I'm way more scared than I let on. The elevator doors open with a ding and I step out onto yet another black marble floor. I look up to see what must be the secretarys desk, behind it sits a young princess looking woman. She has this innocent air about her.

"Hi I'm here to see Mr Wyatt." I say to her. She looks up at me with big doe eyes and asks "Do you have an appointment?" I widen my eyes in faux dread. "The receptionist down stairs asked me the same question and he was appalled when I phoned him and told him, they wouldn't let his sister in." her mouth forms an "O" shape but she goes on to say "I didn't know Mr Wyatt had a sister"

For a moment I see a flicker of doubt in her eyes but I quickly squash it out when I say "The receptionist was fired on the spot, I could phone him if you'd like" her already pale skin pales a bit more at the idea before she nods to the door on her right, "Go straight through Miss Wyatt."

I make sure to walk a little straighter as I head to the door, the feel of the cool metal door knob chills me to the bone.

Apprehension fills me to the brim.

I step inside the office and close the door behind me.


^_^ I'm sorry, it's been a while and it's a short chapter. Forgive?

Thanks to anyone that voted and commented, I love you loads!

I'm sorry I've been focusing more on my other story since I got better feedback for it.

I'm thinking of posting pictures of the characters on instagram, any thought about that?

Any ideas on who Mr Wyatt can be?

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