Chapter 6

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I am shocked to see the dark haired stranger that I had been staring at in the club bent over stacks of paper. I close my eyes and say a silent prayer to God, I hope he forgot about that. I open my eyes and see a deep frown plastered across his forehead.

Perhaps this is a bad idea, he's quite intimidating....

With as much courage as I can muster I open my mouth and speak while trying to hide my nerves

Deep breath "Hello I am Tam Carty and I saw an add in the paper about a vacancy here" I say while handing him my cv and employee file "Take a seat" he says surprising me. Woah! I was expecting a "security please usher this rubbish out of my building!" Well that's what his reputation would immediatly make me expect!

His voice, his deep melodic voice sends shivers down my back making my brain numb. I sit in a nice comfy white chair on the other side of his desk and see him looking my outfit up and down "I know I'm probably the only person wearing jeans in this whole building but I don't own a single skirt or whatever those funny suit like things other women in here wear" I say shrugging.

He raises his an eyebrow at that (oops, probably a bad idea Tam) "Umm I mean..." Snap! Why do I always lose my head when I'm around this guy. Come on Tam it's either this job or starvation so get your shit together "Okay I really need a job right now and I'm a really hard worker, If you hire me I will make sure you don't regret it" I say giving him my best smile That was the worst job interview speech ever!

Mr Wyatt sits back in his chair with a very thoughtful expression on his face and just looks at me. Well that says it all doesn't it, I'm about to stand up and walk out when he stands and walks around the desk coming to stand right infront of me.

"Stand" he says in a powerful voice, his tone so commanding that I can't help but comply instantly, we are now standing a breath away from each other. One tiny movment and we will be touching.

Do not move Tam!

He is a head taller than me so I have to tilt my head up so that I can look into his eyes. He grabs my waist and roughly pulls me towards him, Is it wrong that that just totally aroused me? The foreparts of our bodies are now touching, he bends down and whispers in my ear "Oh I will make sure I don't regret it"

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