Chapter 3

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I use the mirror while trying to brush out my tangled hair with my fingers, wishing I could erase the whole incident from my mind or even just forget about it momentarily. I freeze when I hear a throat clear behind me.


In my drunken state I probably didn't lock the door. I hear foot steps approach me, I turn around slowly what if his a pedophilic mainiac? well it's certainly his lucky day.

"what are you doing here?" I stupidly ask the non-pedophilic looking guy (Thank you lucky stars, I owe you one).

"I could ask you the same question, it is after all the men's room" he replies grinning. While trying to think of a clever remark I look the guy over out of the corner of my eye. Pale green eyes, handsome face, messed up light brown hair, tall and pretty good muscles, Probably a heartbreaker. I silently muse over the fact that most girls would probably die for a guy like him and would slap me for not jumping at the opportunity to even speak to him.

He clears his throat again snapping me out of my thoughts "Sorry, I have a tendency to get lost in my thoughts" I say sheepishly and give him my best innocent smile "I admire a pretty woman who actually thinks" he says grinning "I'm Matthew, every one calls me Matt" he says sticking his hand out for me "Tam" I reply shaking his hand "So Tam, watcha doing in the men's room?" he asks still with that boyish smile plastered on his face " I got lost" I say grinning back at him, this jovial energy that Matt has seems to be contagious cause I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face.

"Well as an esteemed gentleman of society it is my duty to help a damsel in distress" he says in a posh accent while bowing and giving me his arm "What kind of damsel would I be if I refused such a generous offer" I reply imitating his tone "let me show you the way then my lady"

Matthew is sweet and he thinks I'm pretty

I inwardly laugh at the latter thought and follow Matt out the bathroom. He leads me to the bar and after much insistence he buys me a drink, after a few vodka shots I spill the whole horrid Lunatic Lucy story exaggerating quite a few things, Matt seems to find it hilarious. He also has so many funny and mischievous storys to share, I'm not surprised, he practically spells mischief.

My stomach is painful from all the laughing when we go outside and he hails a cab for me."I had a blast Tam, we must totally do it again" he says opening the cab door for me. I'm pretty drunk so I just nod and giggle, Matt laughs at my state and orders me to give him my phone I comply and get into the cab.

It looks like his saving his number in my phone then calling himself so that he can save my number into his phone. He hands my phone back to me, Hmm smart

"Goodnight Tam" he whispers before placing a light kiss on my forehead and closing the car door. I give the driver my adress and try stay awake during the drive home, I laugh at myself one night = 2 new numbers!! who knew right? As soon as we arrive I make sure to lock the door behind me before going to my bedroom and passing out on my bed.


End of flashback


Hey Guys

Me again...

(Apologies for my negativity in advance)

Please don't skip this, I understand your frustration cause I also strongly dislike long authors notes but I just need to request something from you guys: Please please please may you vote and comment.

I know I asked you to not put any comments like "This story sucks!" but at this point I wouldn't even mind...
I know pathetic, but I'm desperate. Any response is a good response.

To be honest I feel like a shitty writer with a shitty story and the silence isn't helping :-\

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this chapter and story you are AWESOME!! B-)

Rumziie XoXox

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