Chapter 8

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When I enter my bedroom I have a flash of genius I will wear my plane white shirt tucked in to my sisters black dress that I will wear as a high waist skirt, that makes the dress a bit longer so its only 4 fingers above my knee instead of just below my but.

After getting dressed, brushing my hair and putting on some eyeliner I walk barefoot into the kitchen I find Mr Wyatt in the exact same position I left him in 10 minutes ago I tilt my head to the side " How do you do that?" I ask with a slight frown "Self discipline" he answers obviously knowing what I was talking about "Ready to go" he says, its more a statement than a question so we immediately make to leave my apartment.

"I can't really wear Chucks or flip flops to work so can I just go get" before I can finish he grabs me by the arm and drags me to his black SUV that's parked outside he shoves me into the back seat and climbs in after "Cedar square" he tells the driver he turns to me "I expect that to be the first and last time you are ever late" he looks pretty pissed "yes sir" I say quite intimidated. We park outside of the chain of shops known as Cedar square, Mr Wyatt slips out the car "coming?" he asks I point down at my feet and wiggle my toes "I think not" I say "I think so" he replies. Grabbing my waist and pulling me out he hooks is arm under my legs then lifts me up bridal style "Hey put me down" I say banging on his chest. His palm brushes past my breast silencing me promptly.

He walks into the l'belle boutique and immediately takes charge "Assist Miss Carty in finding a few pair of heels" he tells the saleslady  "Please would be nice" I say under my breath. After 30 strenuous minutes we leave the store with quite a few shopping bags full of heels. "This is torture! Can't I just wear flats?" I huff and take a few more painful steps in my new shoes. He actually smiles at that and I realise that's the first time I've seen him smile and I'm absolutely loving it "Now that would be no fun" he says grinning mischievously. I move to slap his arm but he catches it in his hand, he starts drawing circles in my palm then traces his finger up my arm. I shiver and close my eyes briefly, when I open my eyes he has a smirk plastered on his face and is holding the car door open for me.

We drive to the work in silence, when we arrive he shows me my office wich is adjoining to his. He gives me a stack of papers that need to be filed, a list of appointments to book and a lot of stuff to type up and mail. I totally lose myself in the work, I only realise how late it is when blondie number 2 who's name is Charlotte walks in with Chinese food "Mr Wyatt says I must give you this" she places the box on my desk. I glare at the food, I'm not a bloody charity case!  "Umm no thanks Charr I'm fine" I smile up at her she may be naive but she's a really sweet kid. "Your loss" she says picking up the box and walking out. Just one more email then I can be free of this place. 2minutes after charlotte walked out Edmund walks in looking pretty pissed " Just eat the dam food Tamica!" the use of my full name angers me even more than the fact that he just through the food at me ruining my last plane white shirt. "It's Tam! T  A  M its not that fucking hard! Ham Jam Tam! Not bloody Tamica" I swear I'm ready to rip his head off

"Come hear" his voice is deadly calm, I walk around the desk slowly and come to a stop in front of him. Chin up, if I get fired on the first day I'm leaving with my pride intact "closer" I take a step forward . He raises his hand to my face in the back of my mind I know he will never hit me but the action reminds me so much of my father. I grab his arm twisting it behind his back shoving him to the floor, I sit on his back keeping him down. When I realise what Im doing I let go of his hand, he turns around so that Im now straddling his waist, his eyes are closed "oh my gosh Im so sorry! I didn't mean to" my hands are now touching his face looking for injuries. His eyes are still closed as he groans "oh my gosh I've killed my boss!" I wipe his wavy dark hair of his face before I begin my rambling "maybe he has a concussion or his passed out or his just plain dead! Oh my gosh I'm a murderer... Only one way to check" this is probably the first and last time I will get to do this so I better enjoy it. I lean in pressing our lips together, I run my tongue on his bottom lip and close my eyes this feels bloody amazing! Next thing I know my back is against the floor, he takes control of the once 'innocent' kiss and turns it into a lustful, feverish make out session.

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