Chapter 4

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No wonder Lucy is so pissed. I could file for a wrongful termination suite but why stay where I'm neither happy nor wanted.

I stand up and stretch, its seems I have been lying on the carpet for a while and my backs become stiff. I start collecting all my things while I think about life.

It's always been like this, my mother didnt want me, she left my sister and I with an abusive father, she didn't even say goodbye, she left in the dead of night. My sister didn't want me, she blamed me for our mother leaving and was on the first flight out the day after she turned 18.

Thoughts of my family bring back memories of my father, memories I had fought so hard to bury were resurfacing. I start hyperventilating, I hear him calling my name "Tamica.."

Breath Tam, his dead he can't hurt you anymore.

Despite my efforts to try calm down his taunting voice is getting closer. I need to get out of here, I run to the office door and pull it open I carry on running as fast as my legs will carry me. Ignoring the open elevator I run to the stairs, my office is on the top floor of a three three story building so it doesn't take long to get to the bottom.

As soon as I exit the building cold air hits my cheeks I look up to the sky and see that it is dark, I hadn't realised that's how long I was lying down. After catching my breath I carry on down the road, I am running from the man who tortured me my whole childhood, who put bruises on my body and who left physical and mental scars that still haven't healed.

Tears are starting to run down my face and I can't seem to breath. My legs are burning and my vision is starting to blur. The last thing I see before passing out is a familiar pair of pale green eyes.

I wake up to the horrid smell of hospital disinfectant. I groan my body is so painful everywhere. Why can't I just wake up normally at 6am watch the sunrise while sipping a steaming hot cup of tea? I struggle to open my eyes and fail I then move to sit up but a gentle hand pushes me back down.

"You need to rest Tamica" A males voice that I recognise as Matt instructs "Its Tam" I say without hesitation "I prefer Tamica but I won't hassle you about it right now, you need to rest" he says "What day is it?" I ask while trying to open my eyes again "It's Tuesday, You'v been asleep for 48" shit Tuesday.

I immediately get up and my eyes shoot open "I have to go" I mumble before grabbing my clothes that are folded next to me I rush to the bathroom and change "Thanks for everything Matt" I throw over my shoulder before exiting the hospital no even bothering to sign out. I need to go back to the office to get my apartment keys, car and bag.

I'm pretty tired by the time I get to the office, cause I didn't have any money to get a cab so I had to bloody walk! Just my luck I slip in and out the office quickly and easily because its still extremely early.

When I get home I shower and change into a fresh pair of jeans and a T, I need to get to the bakery ASAP. Luckily Maddy had come in to clean and do the laundry leaving a nice warm meal in the oven, she is the closest thing I've ever had to a mother.


I arrive at the bakery and frown slight when I see it closed, I park at the back wondering what could be wrong. I head to the office and see Neil sitting at his desk "N what's going on?" I ask frowning.

He looks pretty surprised to see me "Oh Hey Tam the Mrs and I finished all the packing yesterday just saying my final goodbyes" I look at him dumbfounded "where are you going?" I ask barely audibly "I guess you didn't get the letter huh? I would have sent it via email but the systems down. You don't check your mail box a lot do you girly??"

Readers of my articles send me some letters but they go straight to the office, my bills and other documentation are also sent to the office then delivered to me. I don't have any family ( that's what I tell myself ) with whom I may have written correspondence with (or any correspondence at that) why bother even opening my mail box? So that I can see the cobwebs umm no thanks.

Neil explains to me how him and Nana are going on a world tour and are going to eventually settle in Greece to live out the rest of their days there.

I'm dumbfounded and really upset that the bakery has closed. But who am I to stop and old couple from living their dreams? I hug Neil sniffling as we say our goodbyes before hoping into my car and seeding away. I sigh , this time I don't have an excuse for driving like a maniac.

I buy a newspaper and bottled water at a nearby shop. I need to get a job Asap, firstly Im a workaholic so not working is like the end of the world and secondly: I am totally broke!

Lucy found a loop hole in my contract so she doesn't have to pay me for the 3 weeks that I worked this month. I just finished paying off my apartment so my their is almost no money in my bank account.

All that's left in my fridge is a bottle of wine and some cheese plus my car is almost out of gas. I need quick money I scan the newspaper looking for a solution to my problem. I spot a vacancy as PA at Wyatt inc, what really catches my eye is the fact that you get weekly instead of monthly paychecks. Its only 9:30 so I decide to rush home go change and see if I have any luck at Wyatt corp.

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