Chapter 1

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I'm sitting on my bed watching the sun set and drinking champagne on my birthday, all alone.

How pathetic huh...

Every year is the same shit, me getting piss drunk all by myself in my apartment. I take another long sip straight from the bottle loving the feel of bubbles gliding down my throat. I close my eyes and savor the taste, yumm...

After about 30 minutes of drowning my sorrows in alcohol something clicks in side of me. I'm so sick and tired of this life of solitude! I want to go out and live, go out and surround myself with people (preferably people who drink)

Hey don't judge a girl needs her alcohol!

I quickly make my way to my cupboard before I have a chance to change my mind and get back on the bed. I open it up and cringe at the sight. It consists of hoodies, Tshirts, jeans and shorts. At the bottom there are 5 different pairs of Chuck Taylors and flip flops.

I sigh, Sometimes I just hate my "simple and comfortable" fashion sense. Now there's nothing I can go clubbing wearing.

I rake a hand through my hair what to do? what to do?

A light bulb goes on in my head

I have a box filled with my sisters clothes in the attic!

why are they stuffed in a box? you wonder

Firstly because of the unwanted memories of her and I had also deemed them to skimpy for me to ever wear hence they are perfect for tonight because tonight I am not me.

I run to the attic and grab the box. I inspect the dresses warily.

Maybe this isnt such a good idea, Each dress is extremely short  with a shockingly low neck line. They all have their own exquisite designs but I don't want to draw any attention to myself so I pick the most plain one, a little black dress. I jump into the shower and scrub every inch of my body.

After straightening my hair, Putting on some make up and swapping my glasses for contact lenses I'm ready to try out my new outfit. I stand in front of my full length mirror and slip on the dress, I don't like the way it fits like a second skin exaggerating my figure but all the other dresses would stand out because of their bright colours.

Oh well fuck it

I get my phone and purse ready to get my groove on. Only while walking to my bedroom door do I realise that Im barefoot.

Unfortunately my luck has run out and there is no pair of beautiful heels in the magical box. Oh well I guess I'm just going to have to wear a pair of Chucks, if anyone has a problem with it they must sue me.

I hail a cab and give the driver my destination, I dont take my car in the hopes that I will go home wasted.

I only know one night club in the area and I only know about this one because I had to do an article about it on the events page when it opened.

Pathetic huh, Im 24 and I have no knowledge of clubs!

I'm supposed to be living it up but instead I focus on my job at the newspaper and volunteering at the bakery. I love writing, baking so my jobs are just perfect. I work  Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at the paper and Tuesday and Thursday at the bakery giving me Monday and Sunday off but being the bird brain that I am I don't even use that time to relax and have fun!

Im so caught up in my thoughts I don't realise that the cars stopped "Eh miss we've arrived" the driver states irritated. I apologise, pay and exit the cab, he speeds away in obvious annoyance. I huff and turn around to face the entrance of the club. My stomach fills with butterflies as soon as I see the bright lights and people dressed in party gear pouring in. I take a deep breath and walk in.

The lights are dim and the music is blaring I need to get some alcohol in my system so that I can just let lose. With that thought in mind I locate the bar and head towards it, the bar attender is pretty cute with dirty blonde hair, tanned skin and dark blue eyes. He looks like one of those surfer dudes. "A drink for the lovely lady?" he asks looking me over with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Hit me with your most potent mix" I say a little to enthusiastically while slamming my palm on to the counter in front of him. He glances down at my hand then raises an amused eyebrow but says nothing before turning around and doing as requested.

I take this time to look around. I scan the club I immediately take notice a dark haired figure nursing a glass in a secluded corner, why would you come to a club to brood?

Before I can ponder over this anymore the bar attender places a drink in front of me, I immediately pick it up and start sipping "What's your name sweetheart?" he asks looking at me suggestivly "Tam" I reply automatically while observing the dark haired stranger, something about him was just drawing me in.

The bar attender must not have notice my attention was else were cause he carried on anyway "You must be new, I wouldn't forget such a pretty lady,the names Brad" I feel the alcohol quickly getting to work.

With a personality only alcohol can give me I flirt with Brad for a while, he makes sure to top up my drink every time its almost empty I'm pretty tipsy by the time we've exchanged numbers.

I have a sudden, very urgent itch to dance. I down what's left of the pink liquid and move to the dance floor, swinging my hands up high,closing my eyes and moving my hips slowly I get lost in the rhythm.

I somehow get caught up with a group of people who are around my age, they seem pretty cool and we decide to dance together.Next thing I know people are handing me shots left right and center, I down each one and start feeling myself become extremely intoxicated. On their own accord my eyes start looking over the crowd. I still when they land on their target.


I hope you guys like it. Constructive criticism is still welcome.

Please vote and comment, I'll love you 10 times more if you do :-D

Thank you ;)


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