Chapter 2

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It seems my target, the dark haired stranger hasn't moved at all! it's been an hour maybe two since I last saw him and he still has that same thoughtful expression on his face.

Maybe he can't move, maybe his stuck or frozen in that position for all eternity. The rational side of my brain is laughing at the assumption and telling me to just turn around and walk away but the side that is soaked in alcohol is instructing my feet to move towards him.

I haven't realised which side of my brain I am listening to until I am a few feet away from him.I start panicking when I realise my legs arnt stopping and I don't even have anything to say!

I am now standing right infront of him to close for my liking but I can't seem to move away.My Chucks are the first thing he sees before he starts  slowly lifting his head examining me from toe to head. When he gets to my face his gaze lingers on my lips before finally looking me into the eye.

Those eyes, they kinda look black but I can't really see nicely. I glance down to his lips, Those lips they look so soft and inviting making me want to melt into him. I snap out of my haze and am appalled at my behavior! When did I become such a whore!? I've only ever even thought of kissing a guy after the third date! But here I am drooling over this strangers lips

I glare angrily at the man who is making me this way. He gives me a confused look.

Hell! Who wouldn't be confused if some random chick walked up to you, inspected your lips then glared at you like you had just killed her dog! This is a disaster, I have to flee the scene ASAP!

I turn around quickly, accidentally whipping my hair in his face, this has gone from bad to worse in mere seconds I need to get away from him before I get myself in any more shit.

I'm trying to walk fast and look for an escape route at the same time but being the cluts that I am I can't do both simultaneously plus Im still pretty drunk.

I stop walking and look around the club, I spot the exit but decide its a bad idea because I have to go through the dancing bodies to reach it. I continue to scan the room, hoping he just forgot about me. To my right I see the sign for the toilet and practically sprint towards it. I push the door open and let out a breath when I'm finally in.

I shiver and rub my hands up and down my arms, I should have brought a jacket of some sorts, the toilet is freezing compared to the extremely warm club.

I hear a woman screaming in the last stall and see a small croud gathering around it. I elbow my way through the crowd, recognising one or two people from the newspaper I work at. When I get to the front I'm shocked to see my boss Lunatic Lucy slouched by the toilet, she is the last person I would expect to see in a night club but people probably think the same about me.

"Lucy?" I question, she looks up at me and recognition lights up her eyes "Tamica" she replies in a raspy voice I automatically cringe at the use of my full name. But say nothin about it, I silently take her appearance in.

Lunatic Lucy looks extremely ill, her face is pale and veiny, her eyes are bloodshot and saliva is dripping from her mouth"Need any help?" I ask genuinely feeling sorry for her, she frowns at me and I know she is about to say something crule but She scrunches up her face in pain instead"Yeah, Hold my fucking hair Tamica!" I quickly reach out and hold her hair for her,She starts vomiting a disgusting slimy yellow substance.


I close my eyes and hold my breath, this is so fucking disgusting!

Some people are so bitchy even when you trying to help them! Lucy has always got on my nerves, I just can't stand her disrespect and shitty attitude.

I can't really do anything to her at work because she is my boss and she takes advantage of that fact.

Maybe it's time I teach her a lesson.

I Open my eyes and shove her face into the toilet bowl, straight into her own vomit. I hear a few gasps and some giggles coming from behind me.

Note to self: alcohol makes me do baaad things.

I let her head go and she removes it from the toilet. She wipes the vomit off her face starting at her forehead going down, the yellow substance starts accumulating as she goes down and when she gets to her chin she cups all of it in her hand and halls it my way smirking as it reaches its target. I jump angrily shoving her head back into the toilet, by this time people have already started taking out their phones to take pictures. I quickly run out of the stall not wanting my face or name to be associated to this shit.

I stomp out the ladies room fuming, gosh how I wish I could go back and strangle her! I stop short when I see I still have some of the puke on my dress, I don't trust myself to go back into the ladies I might do something ten times worse.

So I slip into the men's room instead. To my great relief it is empty so I quickly grab tons of tissue paper, wet it and begin the unpleasant task of cleaning my dress. I inspect the end result in the mirror, Luckily the dress is black so you can't really see any proof of my altercation with my boss lunatic Lucy.

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