Its Over // Nick Horton

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You sobbed into the bed clutching at your chest as you pulled the covers tighter around your chest.

Nick hadn't come home yet, he wasn't supposed to be home for hours since he was still out with the boys.

You had come home early from holiday to surprise him but instead not only found the house a mess but used condom wrappers downstairs in the living room along with some girls clothes which certainly not yours and a pair of Nick's boxers.

It was obvious what had happened and you were heart broken. You though you and Nick had been having a great time, when you were away on holiday with your family you skyped almost every night.

You'd been going out for nearly a year, you thought he loved you.

Burrying your face into the pillow another choked sob escaped your lips. How many times had he been with her? The bathroom, the kitchen... your bed?

You launched yourself out of the bed as if it was on fire. You wanted to take a shower but how could you, he probably fucked her in there as well.

Sliding down the wall you curled up in the corner of the room on the floor. You didn't dare touch anything in case she had touched it.

Everything seemed contaminated, but the thought of her touching Nick, your property was the worst.

You'd always believed him when Nick would say he didn't need any other women since he had you, you believed him when he said that those pretty models in magazines were nothing compared to you, but he was lying this whole time.

Your heart clenched when you heard the door open and Your boyfriend shuffle in.

You didn't want to see him, you didn't want to talk to him not now or ever.

You just wanted to be as far away from him as possible. You couldn't take an argument with him right now, you couldn't take it it if he hurt you again. You weren't ready for this, but judging by the sounds of  Nicks footsteps you were gonna have to.

"Y/N?" He called out excitedly as he hurried through the door. He just saw your car parked outside and his heart leaped at the thought of you at home inside.

As much as he loved that you came home early he hoped that Devin had cleaned up after he left this morning.

He'd had the guys round and Devin of brought a girl. Nick had to leave early this morning to go to the studio so he asked Devin to clean up the mess they'd made, he just hoped he had he didn't want Y/N to come home to a house like trash.

Nick ran inside ducking his head into the living room. He groaned when he saw clothes and food wrappers everywhere.

He mentally cursed at Devin, when he saw him next he was going to kill him.

He wandered through and his eyes bulged at an empty condom wrapper.

Did he have sex with her in their livingroom. A pair of Nick's boxers which Devin had stolen were laid on the floor including some of the girls clothing from last night.

He wondered briefly what she must've been wearing when she left the house then shrugged the thought away. That was really not the key issue here, Y/N must be up in the bedroom Nick thought to himself.

He made his way up the stairs pushing the door open ready to apologize for Devin's actions when he saw her curled up in a ball in the corner of the room.

Nick didn't even think before he ran over crouching in front of her. His hands moved to her face but she pushed them away.

Nick couldn't hide the hurt on his face if he tried. She'd spent all this time away and when he finally sees her this is her reaction. Does she not want him any more?

"Y/N what-"

"Did you cheat on me?" She whispered heartbroken.

Nick's eyes widened and his hands fell away from her. Why on earth would she think that, doesn't she know how much she means to him.

"Why the hell would you think that?" Nick swore standing up away from her. Did she really think that low of him.

Y/N stood wiping the tears away from her eyes.

"I saw the clothes down stairs, christ Nick I saw the condom wrapper and-"

"You thought that that was me?! No Devin had this girl round last night, I told him to clean up before I left but he didn't. You- You thought I would do that to you?!" He asked sounding heart broken.

It was obvious he wasn't lying, his emotions were written all over his face. Y/N suddenly felt awful, she did love Nick with all of her heart and she honestly trusted him so why would she doubt that.

"Nick I'm sorry..." She whispered trailing off.

Tears gathered in her eyes but Nick shook his head. He thought she loved him enough to trust him, apparently not.

Y/N moved forward but Nick  stepped back towards the door. Throwing her one last glance he walked away from her and out of the house.

He needed some time to think which he couldn't do around her. Y/N seemed to take over all his senses when he was near her, and at this point Nick. didn't know if that was good or bad

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