25 | OmgAlan

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I DONT REALLY KNOW ALAN THAT WELL SO I JUST KINDA DONE THIS... Also I didn't know his moms name so I called her Alice.

Alan knew that you only had two and a half weeks until you give birth to your first child, yes a teen pregnancy was difficult but you handled it.

Looking back about nine months ago, he was ecstatic at the news. He kept spoiling you because that's what he wanted.
As much as he wanted to spoil you until the baby comes, work stepped in. The boyofsummer tour came up and earlier than expected.

"I'm really sorry Y/N."

No matter how many times you told him it was okay, he'd always apologize. "It's okay Alan, your mom and my mom will be here with me in your place so please stop apologizing."

"I know but I wanted to be here for you when our first child comes and not touring."

You comforted Alan, telling him that it was okay for him to go and there was nothing to worry about. To not stress and enjoy the fans.

He would always call you when he had free time, he never missed a day hearing your voice.

Of course you kept sending him photos to update him about your pregnancy.

Even though he's always tired after a show he'd always want to say good night to you and the baby or good morning.

There were times where he just wanted to leave one of the shows but you told him to stay. It's not fair for the fans and you knew how much he loves his fans too. This is what made you fall in love with him.

Now that it's almost time he started to get worried. One week left until your due date and you started to feel pain around your lower abdomen.

You cried for your Mom's name and she came rushing to your aid.
Alice on the other hand already called the ambulance.

You were now ready for labour and Alan is missing his first child's birth. Alice already sent a text to Alan about it and is keeping him updated.

After long hours of giving labour, your baby boy is now brought into the world. You smiled holding your son and saw how he had his fathers eyes and had your hair.

You cried as you carried your son, "You gave me a hard time my little trouble maker, but it was all worth it. I just wish your Father was here to see it."

It has been a week since you gave birth and Alan tried his best to come home soon to the both of you.

When he heard the news that his first born was a boy, he cried. He cried because he wasn't there for you but his mom sent a picture of your new born and said that he was definitely his little angel.

The guys teased him about crying over missing you but they didn't know you've already given birth. And when they heard about it they too cried tears of joy. "WE'RE GOING TO BE UNCLES!" They cried.

A week passed and Alan couldn't be happier to surprise you. He told your Mom and his Mom about his plan and they agreed to it.

The moment he walked in he saw you running around the kitchen preparing food while your little boy cried. "Just wait sweetie! Mommy's getting your bottle ready."

Seeing you right now made his heart shatter, there were bags under your eyes and you looked pale. It was as if you were ready to pass out anytime soon. "Need help?" Asked Alan.

You didn't even both turning around from the sound of his voice. "YES PLEASE ALAN CAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M GO- .. Wait ALAN !?!" Your eyes widened upon realizing that your boyfriend was back from tour.

You ran up and hugged him, "I missed you so much." You cried.

"I missed you too. I'm done with my job for now so my main job is to look after you and our baby."

They both of you smiled and did your jobs as parents. You were just glad he's back, you didn't know what you were going to do if you spent another three days with out your Mom and Alice help.
At least now, Alan is here to take care of the baby too.

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