32 | Jacob Sartorius

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You and Jacob have a weird relationship.

While you're not a couple, you kind of are. You weren't friends with benefits since you'd never traded anything more than a kiss on the cheek, but there was always something different between you two.

Neither of you have tried to discuss officially passing the "just friends" stage, but everyone knows you're both off limits.

You were just having fun and not putting labels on anything; that was how you and Jacob worked.

And you're okay with that.
One night you and Jacob are sitting in his hotel room listening to music during his day off on the Magcon tour.

You were on spring break and he was touring in the town just an hour from yours, so the timing was perfect for you two to spend some much-needed time together.

The rest of the boys were out on the town, but Jacob wanted to just spend time alone with you.

You were both laying on his bed, your head resting on his shoulder and his arm draped lazily around you. A pop/rock song you've never heard plays in the background, and you're both arguing over the proper way to eat a taco.


"You turn the taco!" Jacob insists for the tenth time.

"You're ridiculous." You feign exhasperation, "you turn your head, otherwise all the fillings fall out!"

"Not if you're coordinated, which evidently you, y/n, are not."

You snort, "yeah, cuz you're such a graceful creature."

"I am the grace of all graces," Jacob sniffs indignantly, "I could've been a professional ballerina if I wasn't so awesome."

"You're full of shit."

"Oh yeah?" he rolls off the bed and strides over to his phone that's plugged into the speakers on the desk.

After a moment of scrolling the song gets replaced with "Girls" by The 1975. He turns to face you and grins, knowing this is your favorite song.

"What are you getting at?" you ask as he skips over to you and takes your hands in his.

"I'm going to prove to you how graceful I am," he hauls you to your feet and before you know it, you and him are dancing around the room to the catchy bass.

Both of you are anything but graceful. Neither of you know what the hell you're doing and there's a lot of accidental foot-stomping and knocking into furniture, but you barely notice as Jacob twirls you around, sending you into deep dips before pulling you back up again and shimmying you around the room.

You're both giggling at each other as you invent wannabe ballroom dance moves, making them as dramatic as possible.

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