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My dad and I built this tree house when I was ten. He built it for us kids. Me Zack and Jay. And Madison if she doesn't get tired of us that is.

They don't really come here anymore. Madison's never liked the trees. Jay always had this too cool attitude and Zack said he's simply just outgrown it.

So here I stand sixteen year old Tyler. The oldest of my siblings and still a kid.

It's a good place to think. A good place to escape those bad thoughts. And if I can't escape them. A good place to jump.

I've always loved climbing trees. There's something exilarating about feeling the wind in your face and the bark in your hands.

Willing yourself to go higher. To reach the smallest branch the tree can support you under.

I usually climb to try and clear my mind. But today my mind just won't give up.

See those bad thoughts I mentioned all come from one voice.
That voice. It's like mine. But much deeper. Much more intimidating.

It's like a darker version of myself. Like instead of shadow Mario there's a shadow Tyler trying to get me.

I climb higher and higher. Until I see the moon peaking out from the tree's leaves. If I can't make the voices stop maybe I should try and touch the sky.

I reach for the next branch. As soon as I grab hold I know it can't keep me up.
But I reach for it anyway.
I put my foot on the branch and sort of straddle it.

There's a spilt second when I see the entire forest. The tops of the beautiful trees. And the breathtaking luminescent moon.

I hear a faint sound underneath me.

And then I'm falling.

I close my eyes because part of me wants this.

For awhile it feels like I'm flying. Flying away from all of this.

That is until the pain meets me again. I gasp as I realize I've hit the ground.

Everything becomes blurry. And all I see is black white and red.

I start to close my eyes in defeat when I see a small speck of blue where the red and black is closing in.

And then I think. What was that sound. That noise I heard before I hit the ground.

I realize it was the blue yelling at me to stop.

I try to open my eyes. But all I see is black.

The blurry site is gone.

I am gone

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