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After the grand tour Josh makes his way into my room. Thankfully. I had a few moments to clean up.

"So you've seen the house and met my mom. What do you think?" I ask

Josh smiles and sits on my bed
"I love it. And I love her. She's really sweet. You look like her"

Rolling my eyes I study the looks on his face. Hmm. He's sincere

"Dude I look nothing like her "

Shrugging josh goes "whatever you say. So umm can I use your bathroom ?"

I grab josh a towel and show him to it. Thankfully I had a chance to clean that too. After showing him to the door I'm left alone a moment.


Josh is great but there's something so innocent about him. I can't ruin that. But I really need to find out what's going on

Josh walks in. Hair still wet.


"Dude why is your shirt sticking to you"

Dumbfounded josh looks himself up and down

"Ugh Water?"

I just shake my head and move on. Some questions are better left unasked.

"So ugh. Sit down. We need to talk"

Josh giggling nervously says, "you sound like my mother"

"Well," I begin "that's actually kind of what this is about. What happened back there?"

Suddenly an angry look overtakes his face. "Nothing. I want to go to bed now" josh groans.

Before I can commment he's shutting off the light and lying down in my chair.

I sigh, well I guess that's the end of that one

for now

I want to know you |-/ joshler Where stories live. Discover now