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"Josh?" I ask

"Yeah Tyler?"

"How long have we been lying here?" I ask.

Josh hands me my now busted phone and whips out a flip phone.
I decide not to ask. We all go though that phase I guess.

He checks the time and says "almost 3 hours. It's 11pm"


"What's wrong Tyler?"

I sigh " I have a 9pm curfew on weekdays. So my parents are probably going to be mad"

Josh looks worried and asks "what day is it Tyler?"

I respond " it's Tuesday November 5..... Right?"

Now Josh sighs and says "no Tyler. It's Saturday November 28
I should've taken you to a hospital. You hit your head harder than I thought."

"No Josh I'm fine"

"No you're not dammit Tyler come in lets get you to a doctor"
Josh says as he stands pulling me with him.

He grabs my hand leading me out of the forest as I protest.

"Josh just stop. Wait a sec. Just let me explain"

Josh turns faces me and says "two minutes go"

"Ever since I was younger I've always confused dates. And I don't know why.

It's just one of the things that makes me crazy I guess.
It's difficult for me to remember dates but I can remember facts and events very easily.

So if you asked me what year I learned to ride a bike I very well might say 2011. Even though it's 2005 right now "

Josh stands silently thinking. " well. If you've always been like this then I guess it's ok. I still think you need to see someone tho. My mom is a nurse. Will you let me take you home and have her check you out? You can call anyone you need to from there ok? "

I sigh "ok Josh. Lead the way"

I want to know you |-/ joshler Where stories live. Discover now