
32 1 1

It's dark.
And cold.

I'm just floating. In thin air.
Unconsciousness is a strange sensation.


What? I see no rabbits.


I turn around. And there's a figure standing behind me.
It's  covered in a sheet.
It's him

It's the voice

"Who are you?" I question.

The figure responds "take off the sheet first. Help me"

I pull off she sheet and immediately wish I hadn't. He has my body. My face.
But those eyes
Those beady red glowing eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask again as I am T E R R I F I E D

The figure smiles. He giggled cynically
"I'm you bunny"

Bunny? What

"What you don't like your nickname?" The other me asks.

I try to speak. But there's something choking me. My eyes bulge as I try to make out his now blurry face. It's the other me

His black hands are wrapped around my neck. He's the one trying to kill me.

I blink tears out of my eyes as the other me tightens his grip.
Suddenly my feet lose contact with the ground. And blurry me gets shorter.

Then I'm falling.  Again.
The fall is much shorter. But blurry me is still here.

I cough as I try to make the words come out.
"Why are you doing this?" I cry

Blurry me laughs "Because. You made me Bunny"

"Stop calling me that" I scream!

Blurry me smiles "or what Bunny? What you going to do huh?"

"Oh shut up you you you ... Blurryface !!!!" I scream.
Really Tyler blurryface? What kind of a name is that I think to myself.

Blurryface didn't like that.
He grabs me again and picks me up from the ground.

"Look here Tyler. That was bad. And now you'll have to pay."

"I'm not going anywhere. At least not yet. You won't win this fight. Because the only way you'll be rid of me. Is to be rid of yourself. " blurry growls

I shudder "what does that mean?"

Blurry smiles again " oh I think you know. Tick Toc Bunny. I'm coming for you. I'll see you again soon"

Soon? What does that mean.

Suddenly everything becomes clearer. It's still cold. But not as dark. The air thickens to normal. It becomes easier to breathe.

It's cold here. But there's something warm surrounding me.
Almost protecting me.

I hear breathing that's not my own. There's someone here.
I open my eyes and move my head.
Someone. A man. No a boy sits us up.

"You're finally awake. How. How are you?" He asks

I turn to look at him and finally focus on his face. His bright blue hair, glistening silver ring, beautiful glowing chocolate eyes and baby face. This boy I can only describe as beautiful is the definition of pastel punk.

I try to find my voice and speak as he is waiting on so patiently

"I'm fine and dandy" I respond with a smile.

"Hi fine and dandy I'm Josh" he responds.

I cringe. And that's when I feel the pain set in. I grab the left side of my face. Ow. It almost hurts as much as that migraine I had last week.

Such a shame people have to deal with that more often.

"Tyler say something" Josh says breaking me from my confusion.

"Oh I'm sorry. I must've spaced out. I'm ok. Just noticed the pain that's all. Wait. How do you know my name? You just called me fine and dandy" I ask.

Josh blushes. Crap. I didn't mean to embarrass him. Here this kind strong stranger helping me an-

"Oh I ugh I looked at your wallet. You've been umm sleeping? No Unconscious for about 2 hours. I wasn't sure if I should call for help or not but you weren't bleeding anywhere that I could see and you don't have any crazy bruises forming so I assumed you would be ok. I umm hope your not umm mad I just umm wanted to help and umm wasn't sure if you would umm want to go to a hospital with umm you know" he mumbles.

Oh. I guess I did sort of accidentally tried to kill my self.

"It's umm. It's ok. I wasn't trying to kill myself. I umm. I just wanted to see how far I could go. But umm thanks" I say trying to hide my blush.

Josh exhales in relief. And smiles.

"Well. I'll have you know. You didn't get far. You know in comparison to the entire universe. But I mean it depends on how you look at it as well. If you compare your climb to your entire life and your what sixteen? Seventeen? Anyway if you compare it to your sixteen years you've existed that climb may have been the furthest you've ever gone physically. Mentally it's a whole different story. So far to you could be completely different than far to the universe which isn't good or bad. Just different. It's how you look at things really. Oh gosh I'm sorry ive been rambling I'm sorry I'm normally really anxious and can't talk but for some reason I'm anxious and can't shut if it's weird I know oh gosh you probably think im a freak now  I'll umm go"

I looked over at him and grabbed his hand
" no. Don't go. I liked it. Every word you said. And it's ok. I get anxious too.  You're really smart. I could sit and talk to you for hours. Josh. I want to know you "

Josh and I locked eyes again
"I want to know you too Tyler"

I smiled and the next thing I said was


I want to know you |-/ joshler Where stories live. Discover now