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There's a boy.

He's small. And he's beautiful.

And I know. Boys aren't supposed to be beautiful.

But is it so wrong to want to be?

See people judge too quickly.
They assume I'm just your average skater boy pop punk trash.

Yeah. I skateboard. And yeah pop punk is ok. But really I just want to be beautiful. My skateboard doesn't take me to some dump.

Or to some dark alley to cause trouble.

It takes me to find the beauty life has to offer.

Yeah that may be a cheesy thing to say but when you live in trash everyday  you search for the beauty.

My favorite place to go has to be on foot though.

It's the forest a few miles north. It's quiet and loud at the same time. There's a peacefulness to it.

There's also a treehouse here.

Such a random place to be built in a public forest. But no one comes here.  No one except that boy.

He's never seen me. We've never met. But there's something about that boy that interests me.

He has a look to him completely different than me. More gentler.
He would probably never dye his hair.

But that's ok. I don't care what's in his hair. Shaved.

And his latest style just fluffy similar to mine. That's my favorite. But all look nice.

The boy dresses in all black today. Weird. His wardrobe has been getting darker lately.

Could be absolutely meaningless. But is could also be a huge clue.
The boy's climbing. He sees the moon.

Beautiful thing number 4. The moonlight shining through the trees.

The boy keeps climbing high. Man. He's got guts. I've always feared the heights. One day I want to overcome that somehow.
But not with the trees.

I don't fully trust the trees.

He's still going up there.
Still grabbing
Still searching.

Beautiful boy what are you searching for?

The boy claims higher until I can no longer see his hands. That is until he reaches for one exceptionally tiny branch.

Maybe if he were younger or shorter or smaller he could do it.
But we know there are physical limitations in this world.

He reaches up. And pulls up his leg.
He's going to sit.
He's going to fall.

Without thinking I scream STOP

But I'm too late.
He's already on the branch.
And only for a second is everything alright.

The branch snaps and the boy falls 10 15? Maybe even 20 ft.

I run over to him. Not fast enough.
He hits the ground hard. And by then I am close enough to hear him gasp.

He is smiling. No. Now he is frowning.
I walk over to him

He looks disoriented. He is still searching for something.
He lock eyes above my face for a split second and the corners of his mouth turn.
Then he gently closes his eyes.


Beautiful Boy

Open your eyes again.


I want to know you |-/ joshler Where stories live. Discover now