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We drive about two miles when Josh pulls over. He cuts the engine off alarming me.

I look over at him and see a pained look on his face. Awkwardly I rest my hand on his shoulder.

"You know. I barely know you yet you might've saved my life. And now I'm bringing you home with me. You're really kind"

Josh smiles. Exactly what I wanted. He hesitates for a second then cuts the engine back on. He looks down.



He looks up, briefly glances at me and whispers

We drive off until reaching my house. The light is on.

"Uh Josh"

"Yeah Tyler?"

"My family can be a bit odd. Like not in a bad way they're just very inquisitive. They may not take too kindly to ms just bringing a stranger home at 4am. But you saved me so I'm sure they'll go easy on you. Hell they'll probably love you as soon as you walk in. Just let me go in first ok?"

Josh shrugs grabbing his back and getting out of the car.

I walk up to the house when the door swings open and my mom runs out. She throws her arms around me and cries out
"My son is safe thank heavens"

She then flicks me in the back of the head
"Shame on you for worrying me"

I sense josh tensing up

"Hey mom so this is that boy I was telling you about. His name is josh and he could use a place to crash for the night. Cool?"

Mom tightens her robe and smiled pulling josh into a hug

"Why of course he can stay. Let me show you the house"

I look back at josh and smile. He returns the look as we walk in

I want to know you |-/ joshler Where stories live. Discover now