Chapter One-My Neighbor Is A Fox

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Your life changed so fast. Just the other day you were driving yourself to your community college and hanging out with your best friend. Now though, you were cramped in the passenger seat of your brothers car, as you both drove up through the mountains in the middle of who-knows-where. Your brother had been offered a new job up in the mountains as a pest control man, and he was very excited for his new job. You, on the other hand, we're not as thrilled. Since you had lived with your brother your whole life, you depended on him quite a bit, and didn't have any money to buy a home for yourself, even though you were an adult.

It was difficult, it really was. Since your parents passed away when you were young, you spent your entire life being raised by your brother. Being a very loyal person, you didn't have the heart to up and walk out on the only person who has ever been there for you.

Leaning your head on the car window, you look out at the tries as they fly by quickly as the vehicle speeds through the forest.

"Hey Y/n...cheer up a bit why don't you? I know this is a sudden change, but hey, if could be a lot of fun! Just think of it as an adventure."

You roll your eyes with a playful smile. "That's your response for everything B/n..." It really was. 'It's an adventure!' was always his response for something that was considered a new experience.

"Haha, well it's true!" He leaned over and ruffled your already messy hair, causing for you to smile. "Just because something is new doesn't mean it has to be scary! It's just a new adventure!" B/n chuckles softly as you wave his hand away.

"Okay sure, I suppose you are right..." You try and hide your smile. B/n always knew how to make you smile.

The ride was tediously long, and once you arrived to the small house, your legs were itching to get out and walk around. The house was very small with slide open doors and plants and vegetation growing all around. It looked kind of like a dump, but a nice dump.

"Why not go out and look around? Scan the perimeter." B/n smiles and leans over, swinging your door open.

Turning to him, you give him an uncertain look and cock your head to the side.

"Won't you need help unpacking?"

Your sibling waves you off with a swing of his hand and dramatically leans back,"Bahh, don't worry about that, we don't have a lot of crap, and besides, we totally beat the moving van here. Just go out and explore a bit~"

"I'm not 5 you know..."

"I know, that's why you get to go without adult supervision." He shoots you a cocky grin as you playfully stick your tongue out and hop out of the car.

You are immediately greeted with a gentle breeze, and letting out a content sigh, make your way through the lush, green grass.

Deciding to go around the back of the house, you examine the wall as you stroll around the structure. On the side of the house there was a little hose and a rusty old bucket. Maybe it was for a well or something? Did you have well water now?

Turning your head to scan the area, you notice no obvious figures that would imply a well being around. After a minute of scanning, you conclude that there is no well, and the bucket is only there to serve the simple purpose it was created to serve, which was be a normal bucket.

Okay enough about the stupid bucket.

Pushing your nagging thoughts on the rusty old thing, you continue your stroll and notice a lovely little area that has patchy grass and weeds growing around it. There was a tiny little fence around the area that made you assume it was once a garden.

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