Chapter Nine-You're All Mine <3

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Hey, little warning: There is spicey romance in this chapter. It's not smut but I just want to make sure everyone is aware in case they dislike romance like this
When your brother left your room you took the chance to slip outside and hurry into the woods.

You had to warn Osomatsu, it was too dangerous around your house.

Pushing through leaves and other vegetation, you look around for your dear companion.

"Osomatsu!! Where are you?" You call worriedly, looking around as you begin to panic.

After a few moments of silence you choke up a little. Just the thought of loosing him to a bullet made tears come to your eyes, because you knew it was very much a possible threat.

Sinking to your knees, you let out a small whimper and feel wet tears roll down your face.

"Y/n?" You hear a familiar voice and turn your head slightly to see Osomatsu walk up to you with his ears back as he plops down in front of you with a pout.

"Y/n your sibling is not friendly..."

"I know. But you can't come back to my house...I'm sorry but it's too dangerous you have to stay away."

Osomatsu doesn't look surprised and he just nods softly, moving closer to nuzzle his head against yours.

"Okay. Don't cry Y/n, I'll still come to see you. We just can meet in the forest." He purrs as his hair brushes against yours and you curl your arms around his torso.

His body was so warm and it felt nice to just nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck. This made him purr, and you could feel his throat vibrate slightly from the noise. He was so sweet and gentle with you, just embracing him like this made you feel so calm and protected.

After a moment Osomatsu starts to pant and his tail puffs up a little bit, and you look up at him with a questioning look.

"Are you okay?"

"Y/n." He glances down at you.


"Do humans go into heat?"

You felt your face burst into a fiery blush. Oh good lord, is he implying what you think? You don't even think humans go into heat, well I mean of course they have- but it's different it's not the same?? You didn't feel any different from normal though? You glance up at him with red cheeks and swallow thickly.

"W-why do you ask?"

"You smell...sooooooooo good."

You let out a yelp as Osomatsu crawls onto your lap and lays right on top of you, making you fall onto your back. The cool moss and leaves on the ground brushes against your skin and you feel your body heat up from embarrassment. Osomatsu on the other hand, seemed very much pleased as he nuzzled his head under your neck and inhaled deeply, breathing in your scent. He melted in your embrace and closed his eyes, like he planned on sleeping right on top of you. This turn of events was confusing you to an extent.

"Osomatsu. What are you doing?"

"Y/n, you're all mine~~ I love love love you~" he coos and nuzzles his face into your neck. He doesn't seem to be making any kind of moves like you first suspected he might when he brought up this...conversation...

A thought occurs to you. Would you..really mind if Osomatsu and you...did that?

You trusted him, and you loved him with all your heart. So was it really a bad idea?

'I'm scared though...' you thought silently, feeling tears fill your eyes.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Osomatsu pulls back enough to look at you and you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach. His red eyes sparkle as they look at you and his expression turns to a concerned one when the hot tears roll down your face.

He immediately cups your cheeks and looks at you worriedly, and you just sniffle and stay in his embrace.

"I-I'm just...I'm okay."

You were okay. Because it was Osomatsu, and you knew he was gentle and kind. There was no reason to rush into anything that intimate, So you didn't plan on it.

But that didn't mean you couldn't shower him with love.

Cupping Osomatsu face, you lean forward and kiss all over his face. This causes his tail to wag uncontrollably and he leans forward on you and kisses you back, placing his hands on your hips. He pushes you over to lay you on your back and your heart speeds up as he nips and kisses down your neck slowly.

Swallowing thickly, you close your eyes and savor the feeling of his lips on your skin and you breath heavily from the anticipation.

Osomatsu, above all else, is gentle. His hands roll up your sides and under your shirt, and you shiver as his warm hands caress your ribs.

Raising your arms, you slide your hands into his hair and massage his head gently. He purrs from the action and leans on you more and nuzzles his head into your neck, hugging you with his hands under your shirt.

This was a nice moment, it was good to know that you both belonged fully to each other. You knew for sure that you loved Osomatsu with all your heart.

You'd have to make sure to protect him from your brother with everything you've got.


Sorry it's been awhile :,V busy busy me. Thank you all for your patience. Sorry it's short, I do apologize

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