Chapter Two- Vermin Or Companion?

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It's been a few days since you settled into your new mountain home and you had finally unpacked all of your junk. You hadn't seen the strange Osomatsu since you met him in the woods that night when he led you home, but you figured it was just a one time thing.

Though there has been a certain fox that has really been getting on your nerves.

Everyday so far you've seen it chasing rabbits around your house, or even digging under the steps out front. Once it even frightened your brother as he went outside to go to work, since it was sound asleep on the stairs. One night it brought you a freaking dead mouse and left it in front of your door! So today you had had enough of this.

Your brother had set a trap outside and was going to catch the creature and take it somewhere farther into the woods. You knew since his job was a pest control man, he should be able to catch it. The thing that worried you was him actually killing it though. You didn't want to hurt it, just to get it away.

Right now you were planting some vegetables in your garden (to save money of course, you were frugal AF). It wouldn't surprise you if a certain fox happened to show up. It would sneak up on you sometimes.

Just as you finished planting the last tomato plant you hear a rustling in the bushes and look up to see the familiar red eyes of the fox. In its mouth it held a huge dead rat. Your mouth fell open as it trotted over, smashing some of your plants as it plopped the dead vermin in front of you. Scrunching your face up in disgust, you looked at the fox that seemed to be wagging it's tail triumphantly.

"Why do you think I want this?" You spat, not expecting the creature to answer. The fox stiffened some and looked at you with wide eyes, it's tail flopping on the ground.

"Look fox, you're being a real pest Y'know that? Bringing me dead animals is not flattering, and trampling all my crops is also not flattering." You scold the creature and it looks down at the ruined plants. "Why don't you go run off into the woods and act like a normal fox? Why aren't you afraid of people?"

You grunt and stand up, turning around and trudging to your door.

"Why should I be scared of you?"

You stopped in your tracks.

Where did that voice come from?

Turning slowly, you looked around.

"Hello?....Who is there?"

"Me of course!"

Your eyes shoot down and you lock gazes with the fox. It's mouth did not move, but it's vibrant glowing eyes stares right into yours and you heard the voice again.

"Ahem, I'll ask again, whyy should I be scared of you. You did help me after all."

The fox did not move, but you could hear the voice talking to you, and the look on the creatures face told you it understood.

" talk..." You mutter, feeling light headed.

"Uh...oh oops." It's ears laid against its head and it blinks twice before trotting over. "Oh jeez hey are you oka-!"

You blacked out, feeling your body hit the ground heavily before everything went blank.


"You brought a human here??!"

"Well what was I supposed to do?? THEY BLACKED OUT!!"

"Then you leave them there and just come back alone! What do we do when they wake up?"

"Brother do not fear, I'm sure if the human awakes they  will not know our true forms of we stay shaped as their kind."


Kitsune Osomatsu X Reader- Eyes of A BeastWhere stories live. Discover now