Chapter Three-You Can't Be Seen Here

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The next morning you felt a heavy pressure on your head and groaned softly. Yeesh your head ached terribly.

Peeking your eyes open, you scream when you see a bushy tail swaying in your face.

Sitting up abruptly, you gasp as the pressure immediately leaves your head and a familiar little fox plops on your lap.

"O-Osomatsu!!! What are your doing here?!"

Before the creature can respond, you hear your brother walking towards your room quickly and you panic. Grabbing the fox by the scruff, you tank him into the closet and shut the door just as your brother walks in.

"Y/n!! What's going on, why are you making so much noise?? Are you okay?"

Standing in front of the closet, you plaster on a fake smile. "Hm? Oh yeah I'm totally fine. Just tripped a by when I stood up! No biggy!"

"Well...okay...breakfast is done so come in when you're ready. I'm heading out to work soon."

"Ehehe okay."

He waves to you awkwardly before turning and making his way out of the room. You sigh and turn around, swinging the door open to be met with Osomatsu's human face, as he tumbles forwards and falls on his head.


His tail and ears bristle at your irritated tone, and he looks up at you nervously with a smile.

"Y-Yeah Y/n?"

"What are you doing here! Don't you know my brother is a pest control worker?! If he sees you in here as a fox he'll kill you!"

"Wh-what??" He shoots up onto his feet, looking at you with a baffled expression. "HOW was I to know?"

"You live outside! Didn't you see his car out there? It says 'pest control'!"

"B-b-but foxes aren't that kind of pest! And if he finds me I can just turn into a human!"

"Oh yeah? What about these?" You grab his foxy ear and he yelps.

"Well those come out sometimes.."he shakes his head and they disappear, and his tail poofs away next.

You grunt. "And even if you turn into a human, you can't just appear in here! Being human doesn't give you an excuse to just come in!"

"Well I'm here now~" He teases, clearly not too worried about the current situation.

Sighing heavily, you cross your arms and look at him. "What did you want anyways?..."

"I wanted to see you!"


"Because you're fun to be around! Duh~" He teases then you watch as his nose twitches and he tiptoes to the door and peeks his face out, sniffing. "Something smells gooood!~" his tail pops out of nowhere and starts wagging excitedly.

"That is not for you." You mutter as you nudge him away from the door and close it. "Look if my brother catches you here we will both be in trouble! So stay out of sight!"

"Awww but I'm hungryyyyy." Osomatsu whines as you lean against the door, blocking him from walking out to your kitchen. "Human food is so tasty!"

Sighing, you bite the inside of your cheek. Him being here wasn't that bad of an issue. The issue was if you were to get caught. Maybe if you just gave him some food he'd be on his way and you could move on with your day. Not that you didn't enjoy his company it was just...his presence was still something to get used to, being a fox that can morph into a human and all. Besides this wasn't some dream you could just wake up from, you'd have to be careful about Osomatsu. If all those stories you brother told you are true-disregarding what Choromatsu claims-then you'd definitely have to be careful. Foxes are crafty creatures, it'd be wise to be wary.

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