Chapter Seven- You're Terrifyingly Beautiful

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Osomatsu helps you stand and you walk with him through the woods, standing close to him. His ears would swivel to any sound he heard and he kept his tail curled around your waist.

At first you guessed you were headed home, but soon you both came to a familiar burrow, the burrow where Osomatsu and his brothers lived. Oh shit his brothers.


Looking up at Oso with wide eyes he pats your head softly.

"He's alright. Believe it or not he's the strongest out of all of us. Bastard's got two tails... show off." He chuckles and nudges you before leading you into his home. When the burrow opens up to a large cave inside the hill, you instantly recognize the scraggly, purple eyed fox in his human form, getting bandaged up by his older green eyed brother, who also happened to be in human form. In fact all 6 brothers were currently humans. You guessed it was simply easier to do certain tasks in this bigger form.

From today you learned this was not an average human form. It was lethal.

Shuddering subtly, you wave softly as the brothers turn to look at you. 6 pairs of eyes were now on you.

You felt small. All these creatures...could kill you.

Shaking your head you rid your mind of these thoughts. That won't happen. They aren't cold hearted killers. It's like a man with a gun. What he chooses to do with that power makes the difference.

"Y/n-chan!" Karamatsu is the first to greet you and he walks over and opens his arms for a friendly hug. You are about to oblige happily when Osomatsu flattens his ears and his tail puffs up. You're confused at first but when you look at Karamatsu his ears are now flattened and his tail between his legs. What's...going on...

"Err...buraza what is the problem?...if I may question you this?"

Ichimatsu responds instead, "Shut up Osomatsu. It's not like you own them,just because she reeks of your stupid scent now. S'not like you marked them." He looks at Karamatsu."Kusomatsu stop being shitty."

Osomatsu's tail flicks irritably at that...odd comment but his face blossoms a blush. What's he mean "mark" you?

"Don't fight you two.." Choromatsu grumbles annoyingly as he finishes bandaging Ichimatsu. "You next Nii-San." He looks at Oso expectantly.

"I'm not hurt~" Osomatsu replies snarky and perks his ears teasingly. Choromatsu just rolls his eyes.

"Ne, Osomatsu nii-San, why'd you bring Y/n here?" Todomatsu asks curiously.

"Because they are tired and hurt."

You weren't actually that hurt, you just scraped your cheek and knees. No medical treatment was actually needed but nonetheless, Osomatsu pulled you to the farthest corner of the cave, where there were multiple mounds of hay. You assumed these were beds.

"You can rest here Y/n-chan!" He wags his tail as you sit on the mound of hay. It took some adjustment but you eventually settled down and sigh contently. A moment after, Osomatsu plops on the hay beside you and settles down, resting his head on your stomach and looking up at you with dreamy eyes. Chuckling you gently run your hands through his brown hair and watch his eyes close contently as he relaxes. Moving your hands to his ears, you play with the fluffy foxy ears, highly amused. You'll lay them flat against his head then when you release them they'll pop back up. Glancing to the side you observe his tail as it wags softly against the hay and he nuzzles his head against your clothes. A few minutes pass before his breathing becomes rhythmic and you assume he's asleep. You smile and stroke his soft ears and lean down and kiss his head. You can hear a few thumps from his tail.

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