Chapter Eight-My Protector

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Your brother was out again on yet another business trip and you were left alone at home. Jeez how many trips does a pest exterminator have to go on?

Currently, you curled up on your futon and watching a movie on your laptop, having your headphones plugged into the device. The sound of heavy rain echoed in the background and you could just barely hear it. You also had your futon spread out close to the corner and had multiple pillows stacked around you. You decided you'd call this your 'Comfort Nest'. It was catchy and sounded more excited than 'Old futon shoved into the corner'.

Just as you were about to doze off while watching the film, you hear a loud, vicious thunder clap and a heavy wave of rain and wind as it rattles your house. Mother Nature was throwing a tantrum.

In the back of your mind you thought about Osomatsu and his brothers. Were they going to be okay out in this storm?

You shake your head and rid your mind of the thought. Of course they'd be okay, they've lived here on the mountain for hundreds of years, they knew what they were doing.

Laying down in your pile of pillows and blankets, you curl up and close your eyes, removing the headphones. You almost manage to lull yourself to sleep when you hear a tiny knock at your glass door.

Looking up, you spot your bushy tailed Osomatsu as he stands outside your door, his fur dripping wet and his robe soaked. Blinking twice you rush to the door and allow him in.

"Why are you here?? It's raining you could have stayed home!"

"Homes no fun." He mutters, stepping in and shaking like a dog, spraying water everywhere.

"Hey hey hey!! Ugh come with me." You grumble and pull him to the bathroom and grab a towel for him, smothering his wet hair with the cloth and you can hear the slight chuckle rumble in his throat as you dry his ears off.

"I'll get you some clean clothes." You grin some and go to grab a pair of your brothers sweatpants and shirt. When you return you see Osomatsu drying off his tail, and when he removes the towel, his bushy mess has fur poofed up and sticking in every direction.

Handing him the clothes, he looks at you curiously.

"I've never worn anything but my robe.." he eyes the clothes curiously and takes them from your grasp and holds them up to examine.

"When you change, come back my room." You yawn and tread lightly back to your Comfort Nest.

Curling up comfortably, you glance up as Osomatsu walks in and takes a seat beside you. You take the chance to run your fingers through the soft fur of his tail. His foxy ears flick for a moment and he blushes, giving you a happy smile.

" Is soft." You mutter and mess with the bushy fur. He chuckles and leans down to nuzzle his face into your neck, but you cup his face, which causes him to perk his ears in surprise.

"You''re really pretty yknow?" You mumble out. Tracing your fingers over the soft skin of his jaw, you sigh contently. When you hear him purr affectionately you can't help but smile.

Your eyes manage to glance at his body and you examine the new look since he's now wearing normal clothes instead of his robe. He has a stocky build, and you notice old scars along his arms and collar bone. They appeared to be battle wounds, it looks like some other animal inflicted them on him. Tracing one finger along the line of one long scar, you traced it from his wrist to his elbow. It was completely healed and the skin on the scar was just slightly paler than his normal tone.

Leaning up, you kiss his cheek affectionately.

Osomatsu closes his eyes and you smile as his bushy tail wags back and forth.

"Y/n you're the best human I've ever met. I love you~" you can't help but grin stupidly at that. As Osomatsu curls up beside you, he nuzzles his face against your chest and you can't help but hug him loosely, your one hand trailing up his back and into his hair to gently stroke his soft ears. Soon you find yourself dozing off in his safe arms.

Before you're lulled all the way to sleep though, you can hear a door opening and closing and you snap your eyes open.

'Your brother was home.'

"Osomatsu you have to get out now."

You hiss quietly, causing him to raise his head in confusion. A moment later you hear your brother call your name and Osomatsu's head snaps in the direction of the voice as footsteps approach your room.

Grabbing Osomatsu by the wrist you yank him to the door and nudge him outside.

"Sorry you have to get soaked again..but I can't let him see you."

"It's okay Y/n-chan." Osomatsu tilts his head with an understanding smile and he poofs into his little fox form and runs off, to where, you don't know.

You close your door just as your brother walks in.

"Y/n? What are you doing with your door open? It's raining yknow." He teases lighthearted as you give a nervous laugh.

"Haha I was just....enjoying the...wind."

Your brother gives you a questioning look as he watches you then his fingers flick to the glass window and he widens his eyes.

"Is that"

You stiffen at the question and turn to see Osomatsu, frozen in place as he locks eyes with your brother from outside.

Your brother frowns and walks over to the door , and swings it open, bending down to grab a stone and he hurls it at Oso, who lets out a yelp as it strikes him on his hind leg, before turning and fleeing into the forest.

"B/n stop it!! Don't hurt him!" You protest and your brother looks at you incredulously.

"Why the hell not? It's a pest Y/n! It'll dig up holes under the house."

"Whose to say humans aren't pests?" You spout out before you can stop yourself and you stiffen nervously at your brothers baffled expression.

"I mean...why do we have any more of a right to be here than any other animal? What makes us any better than them?...we come in and tear up their forest, build houses and call it our own that really fair?" You didn't know where you were going with this. You were just trying to draw his attention away from Oso until he was a safe distance away.

"Y/n what's gotten into you? sound crazy."

"I...I mean I was just saying...the..the fox is just trying to survive like us.."

"....if it comes by again. I'm shooting it." Was your brothers only response and you stared with wide eyes at him as he left the room.

When you were all alone, the realization struck you, and you sprint towards the door and into the pouring rain. You had to warn Osomatsu.

You had to tell him not to come here.

'Or else he'll be shot'

I have school again tomorrow, updates may come slow again :,/ I tried to get as many chapters as I could out during winter break, I hope it was sufficient

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