Chapter 10- Don't Let Go

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Opening your eyes, you glance over at the clock with groggy eyes. How long have you been asleep for?

Sleepily you rub your eyes and roll over, letting your eyelids slide shut again. Reaching a hand foreword absently, you wake up a bit when you realize the space beside you was empty. Where was Osomatsu?

Sitting up, you listen to fumbling around in the kitchen. Your heart starts to race as you stand and open the door, seeing your brother holding a beer bottle, leaning on the counter wobbly. His eyes were glazed over with intoxication and he looked like a wreck.


B/n slowly looks at you and a tingling in your chest makes you back up. You've never seen him like this, not but once. It was frightening.

As he moves closer, you hear a low growling coming from your right side. Glancing in that direction, you stiffen when you see Osomatsu crouched on the floor, glaring at your brother with red, threatening eyes. His fur was spiked up on his arched back and his ears were pinned to his head.

"Oso...don't let him see you..." you mumble, but stiffen as Osomatsu stands and angles himself in front of you, blocking you from your intoxicated Brother.

"Monster....YOU'VE BEEN 'ANGIN ROUND A MONSTERR THIS 'OLE TIME" your brother shouts and reaches for the shotgun he keeps on the wall. Osomatsu snarls and leaps at your brother and knocks him to the ground, snarling and biting at him. B/n angles the gun between himself and Oso, it being the only thing keeping Oso's sharp fangs from biting into his flesh.

"STOP!!" You shout fearfully and stumble over in an attempt to separate them. B/n whacks you back and you land on your side, watching in horror as the two men fight each other.

Osomatsu snarls and slashes your brother across his chest, causing B/n to let out a shout of pain.

Your brother kicks Oso in the stomach making him yelp and tumble back. He shakily stands up and bares his fangs as your brother staggers and charges, towards him, butting him in the head. Osomatsu screeches and wobbles back, being pinned to the wall.

"STOP IT!!!" You wail and smash a beer bottle against your brothers head, causing him to collapse.

Oso pants and looks at you with glowing red eyes as you shove him towards the door.

"Oso you have to get away! Go! Run before he wakes up!"

Those glowing red eyes looks deep into yours before he glances to the door, as if he's pondering whether or not he should leave you alone.

"He won't hurt me Oso, don't worry, just go!!"

Your bother moans as he starts to come to.

"GO!!" You shout and shove Osomatsu out the door, and he finally gives in and morphs into his fox form and runs through the bushes and into the forest.

Once your brother finally wakes up, he staggers forward and grabs his shot gun. His eyes were glazed and he reeked of sweat and booze. The fear rising in your stomach knotted up and made you feel nauseous. It felt like your feet were glued to the floor.

Your brother looks over at you and slowly turned and looks at the open door. Standing up straight, he staggers in that direction and makes his way into the woods.

You feel a sob build up behind your eyes, but you manage to choke it back and run out the door after them. Freezing rain pierces your skin as you run and trip through the underbrush. All you can hear is the rain splattering against leaves and all you can see is the droplets of water hitting your eyes.

The sounds of footsteps are not too far in front of you and you stumble only a little farther and are met with an ugly sight. Osomatsu was hunched over on his hands and knees, his right leg stuck in a bear trap. Your brother smirks at the trap he set and glares at the wounded kitsune in front of him. Osomatsu snarls and pins his ears to the back of his head and growls as the freezing rain hits his shivering body.

"OSOMATSU!" You wail and lunge forward, running towards the man that you loved.

Osomatsu pauses and looks in your direction, his ears peeking slightly and his mouth closing. He looks at the fear in your eyes, and then his gaze shifts to your intoxicated brother. Whatever was going through his head, whatever it was, all you knew, was that there was acceptance in Osomatsu's eyes. You aren't sure what he was thinking, what was going through his head, but as your brother lifted the shotgun, aiming it between Osomatsu's eyes, Osomatsu made no move to escape.

Widening your eyes, you desperately run towards Oso, desperate to save him. You wail I'm agony as you hear the gun cock.

Osomatsu looks at you once final time with gentle eyes. His red glowing eyes rest on you and they slowly turn a dark brown.

As his gaze turns to your brother, you feel a scream erupt in your throat as you reach your hand out desperately.


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