Chapter Eleven- Thank You

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You froze in place at what was in front of you.

Osomatsu slowly opens his eyes, looking at your brother with red eyes. Blood trickled down a thin line on Osomatsu's cheek, but Osomatsu was unhurt other than that.

Your brother turns and slowly looks at you, opening his mouth.

"Why go through this trouble Y/n?.....for him?"

Speechless, you sniffle and wobble over to Oso and collapsed beside him and swing your arms around his neck, burying your head into his collarbone, wailing, afraid that if you let go, you'll loose him. Osomatsu purrs softly at you but doesn't remove his red eyes from your brother.

B/n sighs softly. "So that's how it's going to be?" He tosses his gun on the ground, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looks at Osomatsu. Oso keeps his gaze locked with
B/n's  and growls softly.

Trembling as you hold Oso, you peek up as B/n turns away.

"Y/ went through so much trouble to keep him a secret and protect him....who am I to take him now...." he locks eyes with you now. "If he's what you choose...I wish you happiness..." B/n turns and walks from you, heading back through the woods.

"Y/n?.." Oso purrs and looks at you with big round eyes.

"YOU DUMMY!" You half cry and half laugh, shoving his shoulder gently. "I WAS SO WORRIED, WHY DIDN'T YOU MOVE?"

Osomatsu looks at where your brother disappeared through the leaves.

"He believed I was a mindless killing machine. But would a monster really stay calm like that with a gun pointed at them? I showed him I wasn't mindless." His tail wags softly. "Kitsune are smart you know?" He grins and nuzzles his head to yours and chuckles.

You felt your breath hitch and you let out a sob, hugging him. Oso stands and helps you up, holding your hand as he pulls you through the thick underbrush, heading who knows where. You didn't care, you were with him after all.

After all of that, he was finally yours.

And you were his~

Okay so I suppose last chapter was a bit mean but hear me out. What good is a book if it doesn't make you feel strongly about the characters, if it doesn't make you feel strong emotions in general? I believe the best stories are the ones that make you FEEL something. It makes it a better book in my opinion. But what good would it be if you knew that wasn't the end? There'd be a small voice in the back of your head saying "it's okay he totally lives." Well what about this time, you really felt a lot didn't you? I read all the comments it appears I angered a few people? <X3 I'm sorry for THAT, but I was trying to make this a better experience in general, perhaps I went about it in a bad way? It was a bit of an experiment I suppose. I wasn't trying to pull a dirty trick or anything, I was just trying to build to the ending.

On another note,

I'm moving to a new account. Now, I'm not trashing this one, but I've moved on a bit from the Osomatsu fandom and found more things that interest me. If you have requests then feel free to drop them in the message box, I'll gladly check them out. My new account will have more varieties of stories instead of just one fandom, this one became very osomatsu-San inspired.  If your interested in my new account, just message me privately and I'll share the name with you, though there won't be Osomatsu San there. Thank you all for reading~ (sorry for those I pissed off)

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