Chapter Four-Is This a Trap?

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1 hour.

It's been one hour since you've arrived at the rock, and Osomatsu was still not here. To be fair though, neither of you had agreed on a time. Osomatsu probably doesn't make arrangements often, since he is a fox, so it probably never occurred to him to pick a certain time of day. Oh well, you figured if you just wait here, then eventually he'll just show up.

Being out in nature like this was relaxing anyways, the soft breeze was enough to cool you off from the beating sun. Since it was almost time for fall, the area was starting to cool off slowly, meaning that soon you may have to leave the house with a jacket.

Ahhh fall. It was such a lovely season, the pumpkin flavored drinks, the food, the clothes, the lovely weather. You really missed it all back at your old home.

Unfortunately, up here, you were quite far from any civilization, being an hour from the nearest town, so you may not be experiencing some of those things this year or years to come.

You sigh.

While you were too busy thinking about your old life, it took you a little longer than usual to notice the rustling of the bushes in front of you.

Stiffening up, you watch intently as a familiar little fox hops out of the bushes, followed by another.


The foxes immediately poof into their respective human forms and your heart flutters as you see Osomatsu's signature smile.

You didn't recall the one next to him well, other than the fact that he was the brother in the blue cloak. What was his name again?...

"Heyo Y/n-chan!!! Hehe, you may remember my bro here, this is Karamatsu." He what's his tail looking at you.

Karamatsu looks at you warily for a moment before genuinely smiling and his bushy tail wags gently. "Ah it's the darling Y/n~ Its a pleasure to meet you on this fine summer day! How are you, dearest flower?"

"Oh Heheh, I'm doing alright." You look at the blue Kitsune curiously and offer a kind smile.

Osomatsu perks his ears at you and steps forwards some, rubbing under his nose. "I was gonna come alone, but Karamatsu insisted on coming. He said he wanted to see you again."

You smiles some and nodded, looking at the two brothers. Well this was a little different than what you had first expected but that wasn't really bad or anything. In fact you think you preferred it this way, for it may make it a bit less awkward.

Osomatsu stepped forward and slung his arm around your shoulder, making you flinch slightly. You didn't really expect him to get all up in your grill but after a moment you relax. His company was actually very comforting and you very much enjoyed it, though you'd never admit it. Just something about the way he was so carefree and playful made you content.

You blocked out what he was saying for a moment as you took in his unique scent that was reaching your nose. You'd expect him to smell kinda gross, being in the woods and all but he actually smelled amazing. He smelled of the forest, the grass, and of flowers. It was a delicate, it also musky scent, and for some reason you liked it a lot. You were so busy smelling him you didn't catch what he was saying.

"-right Y/n?"

"Huh? Oh uh could you repeat that?"

You watched Osomatsu smile and his floofy ears layer against his head as he leans in and faked a pout.

"Aww you weren't listenin'? Hehe don't worry babe, I was just asking if you wanted to go for a walk? I want to show you our home! The forest is greater than it seems! Right Karamatsu?"

Kitsune Osomatsu X Reader- Eyes of A BeastWhere stories live. Discover now