Chapter Six-Death In Your Eyes

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After the previously awkward "cuddle session" Osomatsu insisted on escorting you home. Well since it was night time and you were feeling rather tired you simply agreed with his kind offer, not in the mood to argue. The whole walk home Osomatsu was walking noticeably close to you, and his body was unusually stiff. You tried to hide your amusement because you noticed his face was still red from embarrassment. To be honest it was too amusing when he got like this.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"A-ah, yeah...of course Y/n/chan..." out of the corner of your eyes you could see a gentle smile pulling at his lips. Daww.

The night was very serene in the forest, you had to admit. There were so many fireflies. You weren't a big a fan of bugs but these little creatures were so pretty. The way them and the moonlight lit up the woods was so genuinely pretty. It was just...really nice. You didn't mind living here so much anymore.

Once you arrive at your home's backdoor, you look over at Osomatsu with a smile.

"Thank you. For everything. I had a nice time with you today."

"R-really? I'm glad then." The childish smile that lit up his face made your heart skip a beat. He was just so happy. It made you feel a little joyous knowing that you made him happy.

You watch Osomatsu turn to leave but he stops all of a sudden. Looking down you realize you grabbed his hand.

"..? Y/n?"

Sighing softly you look up at him with a smile. Curling your arm around his neck, you pull him in and use your other hand to cup his pappy cheek. Leaning in, you press your lips gently to his and close your eyes. You feel him instantly stiffen and once you pull back, you look up at him and stifle a laugh. One of his ears is sticking straight up and the other is flopping, and his face is red as a tomato. You can notice his tail is poofed up twice it's normal size.

"Wh-what....was that?" He asks you incredulously.

"Uh.. a kiss?"

"What's a kiss??!"

"Oh it's uh...a show of affection?"

"Really??? That's how humans show affection???" He looks so freaking happy and it makes your heart pound.

"Uh...y-yeah." You grin some.

Osomatsu howls with delight and wraps you in a tight hug, kissing you all over your face. You start laughing and try to get out of his grip. Before you know it, he's making that weird purring sound and rubbing his face all over you again like before.

"Hehe you can stop buddy." You smile with a blush and watch him release you with a goofy smile.

Glancing back at your room through the glass door you look at Osomatsu again.

" can stay. If you stay a fox."

The chances of your brother catching a fox in the fox were slimmer than his finding a man. Wagging his tail rapidly Osomatsu smiles and nods, poofing into his small fox form.

Opening the door you allow him to trot inside and you start setting up the futon. After a minute of that you sit yourself down and pull your laptop into your lap and smile as the fox prances over and curls up beside you, curling his fluffy tail over his nose.

Okay time to research the shit out of foxes.

Typing into google you pull up an article. Maybe some of this stuff will explain more about Osomatsu.

You couldn't find a lot of anything that you didn't already know. You couldn't find anything on the weird way he "scented" you. Judging by your prior knowledge you'd assume it's similar to how cats scent things that belong to them. The thought made your heart pound at an unsettling speed. Shaking your head you glance down at the fox beside you. Well you did smell like him now...and you had a shit ton of fur all over your clothes. Great.

Kitsune Osomatsu X Reader- Eyes of A BeastWhere stories live. Discover now