Andi And The Girls

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Hi!!!!!! So this chapter wont be sad!!!! Im dedicationg it to ILoveNialler040 she is with me right now! her story Love is Like A ride is amazayn! Go check it out!!!!

*Brookes P.O.V.*

I opened the door, I just about died. All I saw was a tall drop dead gorgeous gilr with long brown hair. She had freckles spinkled across her face. She is my best friend. This is the first time I've been happy since.....I feel so guilty.

"ANDI!!!!!" I screamed.


"Give me a hug girl, I missed you."

We hugged, for about five minutes. Let me get this straight. I love this girl to death. She was my only friend, three years ago she had to move to Pittsburg, her parents made her. This left me all alone. I led her to my room so we could talk. We could talk for hours.

"So." She said, "I heard" I lost it. I collapsed into her. I was still crying by the time my parents came home. Thankfully, the left us alone.

*Louis' P.O.V.* (At rehearsal)

"Lou, the girls are" Harry yelled just loud enough to snap me out of my thoughts. "Coming" I yelled.

"Boo bear!" All three stunning girls shrieked as they t as tackled me. I love them all, as sisters of course, they are the lads girls of course.

Sorry this chapter was super short and kind of sucked. It's a filler so please don't be mad. They next chapter will be the "girls" and Andi's bios. Comment and vote for an update thanks! Have a great day!

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