Bad Memories Bring Back Bad Habits

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Hey guys tell me if I should keep going in the comments please thanks! :)

*Brookes P.O.V.*

    The day most students wait for all year, the last day of school and also my last day in this hell hole. I got realeased this mornning. My sisters funeral is tomorrow. Today the school told everyone.Lets just say there will be to many questions tomorrow.

"We would like to welcome Kristens sister up here to say a few words." The pastor said timidly. there were a few sad sounding claps as I walked up to the poduim I took one shalllow breath as I started the words I had planned to say the moment I found her. "No one really cared about my sister, you are all only here so you dont look like assholes. In your mind you are thinking howd she know. I knew because every night, every bloody night I heard her cry herself to sleep. Not once did she get a call asking her if she was alright not once did someone stick up for her. She told me everything. Looking out into this crowd I see familiar faces, faces that haunted my dreams and memories, faces that killed my sister. So you werent the three girls I put in the hospital for torturing my sister every day but you are still guilty. Who would consider yourselves Kristens friend? *Some raise hands* You fithy little liars she told me everythying. How you brittany shoved her against her locker and told her to watch where she was going because her beer belly should have its one zipcode. That night she carved fat into her leg in three different places. That is only one example of how you ruined her, all of you. you murderers, I hope you burn in hell."

I stopped talking, I didnt even realise the tears running down my cheeks. I ran, I ran all the way home not caring what I  looked like. I went into my sisters room and I pulled up my sleeves to show my already scarred arms. I found her blade, its always in the same spot, thole behind her bookself. I took this blade. I had been so good for her but now that she's gone I cant take it anymore, I dragged it across my wrist slowly at first but as I got angrier amd angrie the push was harder and faster. I thought of how much pain I endured and all those same bullies who did what they did to Kri, and did the same to me.

I was cleaned up once the door bell rang I answered it timidly. I saw a face that only looked vaguely familiar.

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