I'll Be With You Soon Baby Girl

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Ayyyyyeee. Lots of love xoxo

*Andi's P.O.V.*

        I stopped at the bridge, out of breath and angry. I'm such a fucken coward. I looked around nonchalantly, no one even looked at me. No one cared. I smirk was planted on my face. I stepped up to the lip. I heard a faint cry "She's jumping." That's my cue. I plunged into the roaring waters cries form the onlooking spectators far behind me. My body fought for non existent air. My lungs cried for mercy. Eventually, I stopped fighting. Eventually I fell into a deep, deep sleep. "I'l lbe with you soon baby girl" my mind whispered.

*Zayn's P.O.V.*

I couldnt bring myself to pick up Andi. It was too much. I still havent cried. Instead I just walk around and try to forget. Like I'm doing now. My phone buzzed. I reconized the  number. The same one that called me when Brooke died.

"Hello?" I answer my voice full of dread.

"Hello sir, is this Zayn Malik?"


"We need you down at the Chelsea bridge. It's um urgent."

"What's wrong?"

"Andi has-has...she jumped."

I had never ran faster then I did that day. I followed the sounds of sirens and finally found myself surrounding by cars and gasping people shielding their children's eyes. My eyes followed their pointing fingers. They were pulling a body out of the water. The dead cold corpse of the love of my life. I had never cried harder.

The house was full of guilt. Everyone silently blaming themselves. I couldn't handle it.

"Zayn, you can't let all of this rule your life..." Andi whispered.

"How can we not?"

"Make something good out of this."

"She's dead."

"That doesn't mean you have to be."

If only she had taken her own advice.

"Look a us...you're in a bloody mental hospital for christ sakes."

'"That doesn't mean you have to be."

"I'd rather be here with you.'

"Weeell, I'd rather you be out there doing something that makes sure that this never has to happen again. For anyone...."


I made some arrangements. I tried to meet with as many people as possible. Brooke and Andi are dead but that doesn't mean we have to be. I want to make them proud. I did some research and noticed that the survival rate of suicidal people is higher in those that are surrounded by positive actvities and people. For instance a suicidal teenager is less likely to commit if the are around something or someone they love.....Get where I'm going with this. Almost like Make A Wish except it's not just a material thing. You love to dance? We'll give you a stage to dance on. You love your mom? We'll give you lots time with her. We could make a difference.

I know. It's short. Just comment and vote pleeeeaaseee. 1.5k before an update. Lots of love


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