Coffee And Cigarettes

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Just a clarification, I may have said a location before but they are in London.

*Louis P.O.V.*

   We came home to the girls all crashed out on the couches. Brooke looked especially adorable, all bundled up with her hair tied up. I cant believe I kissed her, it was the best decision I have ever made. I went to brush my teeth and when I came back I stumbled upon  a whimpering Brooke. I shook her ever so slightl. She awoke with a start terror written all over her face until she relized that is was just me and she had been dreaming.

"I-I'm sorry." She whispered slightly embarrassed.

"No, love no. You dont have anything to apoligize for. Goodnight." I gave her a tight hug and started to leave.



"Can I come?"

"I thought you'd never ask." I said with a smirk, while picking her up bridal style and carrying her to my room. Luckily all the lads had already crashed  so hopefully there will be no taunting tommorrow. While we were walking she stretched up and kissed me on cheek and that very well may have been the cutest thing in the entire universe. Nothing happened as we layed in bed if ya know what I mean ;) but i certainly would not call this night insignificant. We talked and talked all night long about the most random things.

"Are we gonna end up like our parents?" She asked randomly

"Well I dont know-" I started to say before she cut me off

"You're so conceded, Louis, so conceded."


"When you get old your heart dies."


"I care." Okay one question what the fuck just happened.There was silence and she just stared at me. After a moment she flopped flat on her back and mumbled,"Screws fall out all the time, the worlds an imperfect place" 

"Do you need some air?" I asked getting up.

"If you get up then we all get up, it'll be anarchy!"

"Did the girls give you shrooms because they promised they wouldnt do that agai-"

"Are you kidding me?" She asked.

"Well; I mean it happened last time, they gave my cousins some a-"

"No no no you've never seen the Breakfast Club?" And thats how I found my favorite movie of all time. After the movie it was around four in the morning.

"Lets go get coffee!" Brooke squealed and jumped from my bed. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing my flannel. Perfect absolutely perfect.

"Its four in the bloody morning." I complain.

"Please please please." She whined about 100 times.

"Fine" I groan and stumble out of bed. We drove to the local coffee shop and sat in the rain. And again proceeded to talking about random shit. But then Brooke did something unexpected she reached back into her pocket and pulled out a cigarette. I looked at her in awe, I mean it just caught me off gaurd that Brooke could anything thing from innocent.

"Didnt expect that huh? No one they think Im little miss innocent but Im anything but..." She trailed off and I marveled at how she had read my thoughts.I stayed silent, honestly all i was thinking off was how for someone reason this made her like 10x morw attractive, like I was already hooked but now...

"Do you hate me now?" She asked as she crushed bud with her foot onto the damp London streets.

"I could never hate you." I whispered.

She stared me straight in the eyes, her's glistening from held back tears and shame.

"How can you say that? You have no idea what I'm capable of." She whispered back.

"What ever it is, good or bad. I'll be here."

"Stop being so cliche." She stated her voice almost scornful.

"Its my lifestyle." I said back cheekily. She looked away.

"What is this?" She asked her voice wistfull and scared. "What are we?"

"Wel." I started off shakily "We could be an us.."

"But I've just got so much bagage..."

"Well, I'm your bell hop." I said trying to break the tension. She whipped her head around to face me.

"Just kiss me stupid." She whispered.

THIS IS A TEASER!!! If you want more i need the reads and votes. I love you all cx

30 years ago the Breakfast club attended detention js cx

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