It Was A Murder But Not A Crime

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Hey. This is epilouge part 1 so yeah.


*Andi's P.O.V.*

I'm okay. Well I mean, I'm "stable". Zayn is supposed to pick me up. He's two hours late. I grab a taxi and plug my head phones in.

"He had it coming, he had it coming

He took a flower in its prime

And then he used it and he abused it

It was a murder but not a crime"

The Cell Block ironic. Oh god I'm crazy.

I got to the flat. I had no idea what to expect.

"Thank you. How much do I owe you?"

"It's fine sweety. You have a good day."

"Wow thank you."

Well that was nice.

Okay. It's gonna be fine. I walk threw the thresh hold, I inhale the familiar smell, comforting but in a melancholy way. My eyes survey the place. Zayn said he'd clean before I ot back. He also said he'd pick me up. Strike two. Harry and Lizzy sit straight on the couch staring at the blank tv.


She starts to turn her head slowly her eyes filling with tears.


"You remind her. That's all."

"I-i'm sorry." I whispered and turn the corner.  I make the familiar route to Louis' room expecting to find him. Instead I stuble upon a balling and shaking Gabi.

"Leave. No one can see me!" she  screamed frantically covering her face.

"Oh love please. I'm not gonna judge y-"

"Leave me alone..." She snarled. Tears filled my eyes and escaped down my cheeks and with that I left.

I walk to Nialls room. What I saw can never be unseen...Niall stands in front of his mirror in nothing but under wear. His stomach is caved in to the point of his skin clinging to his bones. Every rib is outlined. His eyes are sucken in and his cheeks the same. His under wear is only staying up by the limp arm holding them up. I could'nt turn was so horrific. I watched him examine himself. He caught a glimpse of me in the mirror. Shit.

"Please go..." I walked out with out saying a word.

I walked to the girls room and found a slumbering Jazzy. Zayn warned me.


"Go away."


"Go. Away." I left just like a coward. Liam was waiting out side the door for me.

"Let me guess. You hate me too."

"No. Well-no, I mean no, of course not. You did all you could."

"mmmhmm sure."

"Look Amelia's parents are pressing charges on the band."


"The girl tha-that you killed. The girl that you killed. You didnt even have the decency to remember her name. Really? The band who got shut down because of her death even paid there respects. You dont even care enough to remeber her name."

"Did her parents come to Brooke's funeral?'

"Well know bu-"

"Well make sure to tell me if there at mine." I yelled tears streaming down my face as I burst out of the flat I once called home. The place that was once filled with people that loved me.


*Liams P.O.V.*

"Andi no!!" I yelled after her.

My body started to shake and my eyes slowly closed.

*Andi's P.O.V.*

I can't take this. I'm aurdering coward and I'm killing everyone around me.  Might as well kill myself too. My eyes manage to focus on a brige in front of me. Perfect.

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