It's Okay

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I'm so sorry I havent updated. I've been having major writers block. By the way I'm throwing the whole epilouge thing out the window, these are chapters, I've realized there is more to this book but it will be ending soon.

*Jazzy's P.O.V.*

        It should of been me...Brooke didn't deserve to hurt...I'm the bitch of the group. My hands start to shake  and soon my whole body is out of control....A thought crosses my's been five months since my last....just a scratch won't hurt...I walk to Brookes room, it's three in the one will see me...Liam will be to preoccupied with Zayn's crazy idea, to check me right? I sit on her bed and reach into her pillow...I twirl the delicate blade between my finger tips..I take the silver edge and rag it across my wrist, lightly at first, my body falling back into the familiar routine of self destruction.

*Liam's P.O.V.*

        I've been up with Zayn till  four am every night for the past week working on this foundation. It could really work, we could make a difference. What happens is family or firends can contact tghe foundation if they belive that someone they know is in danger of commiting suicide, is depressed, has an eating diorder etc. We meet with the person, her family and the  person who has brought the situation to our attention. Together we set up a schedule to keep this  person preoccupied with things they love, regular therapy appountments and even a get away hotline that is called if they or someone they know belive that the hurting person needs to get away for a day or two, just to breathe, sure its a hospital but we are finding ways to not make them dreadful like the ones Andi and Brooke were in. Everyone's savings are going towards the foundation, The B&A It's Okay foundation to be exact. We start building tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm excited, but I'm also terrified.

*Jazzy's P.O.V.*

I study my arms, they're stained with blood but I dont give a damn. I look at my thighs....I look at the words I forever scarred myself with....


Its short and it sucks but I'm having really bad writers block like I said before. I'm sorry

Lots of love


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