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So these are the new characters bios!

Gabi: Hello beautiful specimens of the human kind!

Appearance: Long Blonde Hair. Darck chocolate eyes. 5'3. Thin. Petite. All natural (No makeup) Still perfect!

Birthday: Janurary 14

Age: 18

Personality: Bubbly,  nice, happy, loveable

Style: All over the place (in a good way)

Likes: Food, music, longboarding, singing, acting

Jazzy:Heyyy you crazy mofos!

Appearance:Milk chocolate skin tone, curly brown hair, pretty brown eyes, short, curvy

Birthday: October 6

Age: 17

Personality: Freaking awesome

Style: Girly girl with a twist

Likes: Puppies, chocolate, singing, acting, music

Lizzy:Hi peoples

Appearance: Dirty blonde long hair with highlights, tall, freckles, bright blue eyes

Birthday: September 8th

Age: 18

Personality: Loud, bubbly, always happy, laughs all the time

Style: Tutus, t-shirts, and in her free time leotards

Likes: Rainbows, gymnastics, acting, laughing

Andi: Hey, hey, hey!

Appearance: Long brown hair with highlights, tall, freckles, sweet brown eyes

Birthday: Feburary 12th

Age: 16

Personality: Super nice, lovely, sweet, happy

Style: Always put together, Model like

Likes: Music, art, singing, animals

Yep these are the bios. Sooo if you want me to actually update, vote, comment, all  that jazz love ya

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