Girls Night In Bitches

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Hey hey hey. So I didn't get all the comments so I'm not gonna ask for them any more. yay! What I am asking for is more votes!!! Thanks lovelies!

*Louis P.O.V*

  "No! No! Get away from me.." Brooke yelled but I held strong. She kicked, pushed, and thrashed, I  would not let myself budge. After what felt like eternity I finally felt her relax and I started rubbing circles in her back. She started to whimper so I pressed my lips against her temple.

"Shhhh" I whispered. "You're okay, it's okay."

She shot up after minutes of silence and her eyes we full of bewilderment and shame.

"I saw her, again, she's everywhere."

"Who love?"

"Kri" Her voice hitched and she started breathing rapidly as her hands started to shake soon her whole body was trembling. She was heaving in and out like lightining in between torcherous sobs full of sorrow.

"Its all my fault." She whispered. Something changed in her eyes at that moment, her sadness turned to anger. What is going on?

She started to scream, "Its all my fault!" She was hitting herself and shaking in terrifying ways. I reached forwards to try and stop her but she screamed as if I was murdering her.

*Andi's P.O.V.*

While the other girls were literally ROFLING I heard a muffled scream.

"Its all my fault!" My stomach dropped and my insticts automatically kicked in, I was focusing on one thing and one thing only. Brooke. I followed her cries and it led me straight to her. I opened the door to see a shaking and uncontrolable Brooke a Brooke only I could calm down.

"Shhh baby girl shhhh." I said as I walked over to her.

"I killed her, its all my fault." She stated. Louis mouths the words, "What is she talking about." But i dismissed it.

"No, honey remember what her note said? You did the right thing she asked you not to tell."

"I couldve saved her. Its all my fault its all my fault." Her breathing was getting faster and she was thrashing about hitting her head. Dammit I hate doing this. I grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her head. She was kicking her legs so I motioned for Lou to take the head while I got her legs. We brought her up to the bed and I straddled her. I started to sing...

"Manage me, I'm a mess.

Turn a page, Im a book half unread

I wanna be laughed at, laughed with, just because

I wanna feel weightless, and that should be enough

But Im stuck in this fucken rut

Waiting on a second hand pick me up

Im over getting older

If i could just find the time I would never let another day go by

Im over getting old

Maybe its not my weekend, but its gonna be my year...."

    She started too calm down and sing along. Louis stared at me in awe. I kissed Brookes cheek and whispered in her ear, "He stayed, he's a keeper." I saw a slight smile on her face and she whispered, "Im sorry" You see whenever brooke talks about all the shit it sends her into really terrible anxiety attacks and anyone whose ever witnessed one besides me and her sister left her. I walked back into where the girls were and explained as much as I could to them, they were all very curouis. But not in a bad way.

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