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Guyss I almost lost this account today and its being like hella weird so bear with me. At this point I dont even know my password. I hope you like this chapter...*cough cough* Zandi *cough cough*

*Zayn's P.O.V.*

"Aww look at the girls all tuckered out from there littlle night of funn." Harry cooed squisshing Lizzy's face.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Niall said wiggling his eyebrows. We all walked into the kitchen and fetched ourselves a tall glass of ice water, or should I say we fetched the girls some. They all walked to their respected girly friends and I was left with Andi, not that I mind, she's stunning.

"One, two, three." On three we all dumped the water followed by a collective scream from the girls.

Andi's eyes popped open and revealing a beautiful caramel like color.

"You ass!" She snarls in a cute adorable way. She stands up and swoops her leg up leaving me defenselass and on the ground, behind me I here a roar of high pitched screeches and I'm sorrys. She picks up her foot and applies pressure directly into my solar plexus.

"Say you're sorry."

I-I'm sorry."

"Feed me."


"You heard what I said." She smirks and skips her way into the kitchen.

*Brookes P.O.V.*

I get a text from all of the girls explaining their annoyance of their wake up call, also demanding we come back soon because Zayn has burnt four omlets and he's only been in the kitchen for ten minutes. I show Lou the text and he immediatly jumps up from the table and gets on one knee.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Will you.." Oh god

"Save our friends with me." He finishes cheekily.

"Fiiinnnee." I groan. Once we get back I check my Twitter and guess what I see.

Hate hate and guesss what else more hate. Well isnt that just  lovely.

"Kill yourself you dumb emo slut." "Do us all a favor and just jump." "So I heard you killed your sister...rot in hell you cunt." "Wow fat ass." there was a picture attached to this one, a picture of me and Louis, I was eating a muffin... I knew eating today would be a bad idea...

"Should of just starved your self, look at your rolls, you are disgusting." Its only been fifteen minutes since I've eaten, maybe I can still puke...

"I need to pee." I whine and laugh so no one suspects anything. I bounce my way to the bathroom at the end of the hall. I kneel by the toilet and lift up the seat.

"See you are weak, its only been  three days, I told you that you wouldnt last." I lean over the bowl and shove my fingers dangerously far down my throat, I gag and throw myself over the toilet, my eyes water as I watch my  food, shoot out of my mouth, for most it would be unpleasant but for me its almost comforting, like doing something familar, in a sick twisted way. Since  I'm already here why not become more of a disgust.. I take my phone out of the phone case and my blade drops into my hand, I slide off my shorts leaving me to examine my bare flesh, I run my fingers over the scars. Most would avert their eyes, pull  their children to their  side but me, well I  think they're pretty. Call me insane. It'll just add another scar. I take the blade and slide it across my  thigh and watch how the skin opens and the  sting only adds to the scene. The blood starts to drip as I step into the bath tub. I had another and another to my collection, to my pain. I look at the inside of my thigh, so untouched from the choas, I push the blade into my skin and pull it along my inner thigh, I feel heat starting there and spreading as the blood trickles down. I look down at the pool of blood by  my feet and I realize that I dont care anymore. I start to tear open my flesh, slicing my wrist in all different patterns.

"You are fat, ugly, disgusting, insane, a burden."

A burden

A burden

I hear all the other laughing in the kitchen. I am a burden... I cut. I cut deep, deeper than I ever had before. I take the blade, my body weak, I survey the damage and with  all the strength left in me I draw a think blood black vertical line along the vien in my wrist. Suicide.

Everything was black in an instant.

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