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It had been awhile since Miku had taken part in a press conference, and now, she found herself wishing it were over as soon as it were started. She wasn't in the mood to be asked questions, so this what literally the worst place to be right now.

In front of her: a large crowd of reporters holding out microphones. Cameras flashing pictures of her. Lights everywhere. Miku took a deep breath, forcing a smile. She pointed at a reporter.

"Miku! Whose decision was it for you to go to America for the collaboration with Prince Alex?"

"My agent was the one that suggested it would be a good idea to do so, and I  went along with the decision." She answered, pointing at another reporter.

"Is it true, Miku, that you didn't want to go? Would you say you were forced to?"

"At first I didn't want to go, that's true. But my agent knows what was best for me and my career and eventually I was happy with the overall decision. And truly, I wasn't really forced to go, as I  could've refused to go. A part of me knew it would better me to go along  with it, and I'm very glad that I went to America for the collaboration." Miku said honestly, pointing to another reporter.

"What led to you changing your mind on it?"

"Well, the experience itself was amazing. The views were simply beautiful, and the local area was very nice. And not to mention that Prince Alex was nothing short of a gentleman, and did his best to make sure that my  visit went well and that I was comfortable. I really enjoyed it there." Miku nodded, pointing to the next reporter.

"What caused you to leave so quickly then?"

Miku paused, not wanting to say something that could be taken the wrong way.

"There was a misunderstanding with the head of the Vocaloid  industry about Prince Alex, is all."

"About?" A reporter asked.

"No comment." Miku quickly answered.

The reporters began to murmur. Miku's heart started to beat a little faster. They all knew perfectly well that Kaito was the head of the industry. She waited with a neutral expression while the noise died down.

"What's your current standing on your professional and personal relationship with both Kaito and Prince Alex?" A reporter asked suddenly.

"My relationship with  Kaito is and will remain strictly professional. My relationship with Prince Alex remains professional as well." Miku said with a slight nod.

"With the recent uncovering of the photos of you and Alex at an amusement park, a lot of people are  questioning your relationships with both of them. Was the amusement park  visit part of your professional relationship? How would you like to  comment?" A reporter asked.

Miku inhaled quickly, but did not let it show.

"Alex was showing me the local attractions in the area in order to make sure that my visit would not solely be work. My relationship with Kaito, as I've repeated before, will remain  professional." Miku concluded.

Hiru quickly hurried up to the platform, speaking into the microphone, "No more questions."

Taking his arm around her, he led her out of the interview tent. The noises of the reporters all clamoring over each other quickly drowned out. They got in her limo and drove away.

"Thank you." Miku muttered.

"Just doing my job. When questions get too personal like that, it's okay to leave." Hiru advised.

Miku nodded. She closed her eyes and sat back in her seat, sighing through her nose.

"Are you alright?"

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