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Colorado Springs, Colorado. 9:45 am.

Miku stirred out of her sleep, mumbling nonsensical words. She pushed herself up and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She hummed and stretched her arms, further shaking off her sleepiness. Now awake enough, she grabbed her phone. She called Taiga. The phone rang for a bit, then she answered. She muttered a weak: "Hello?" She had clearly been woken up by the call, and sounded very much still asleep.

"It's morning!" Miku exclaimed happily, in contrast to Taiga's greeting. "How'd ya sleep, T?" "Still am?" Taiga answered with a yawn. "It's like, 2 in the morning over here." Taiga explained. "Wow, that's soooo early." Miku said with a slight tease in her voice. "How was your first day in America?" Taiga asked, getting right to the question she'd been wanting to ask.

"Long and boring. The room is nice, at least. It has a pool and everything, and a nice view." "Must be nice." Taiga said, clearing her throat. "So, tell me all about your first day." Taiga asked. Miku shifted a bit. "It was alright. I ate, I slept, I got to talk to you. That's probably the best that it got. And those two were talking about me before we went to bed." Miku said with some pent up frustration. "Who?" Taiga asked.

"Alex and Hiru. I could tell that they were talking about me." "Do you know what about?" Taiga asked. "Probably what Hiru is always talking about; how difficult I am and crap like that. Alex is probably under the assumption that I'm some stubborn girl that refuses to listen to anyone else or something like that." "Ugh. That sucks." Taiga said. "You haven't told me about Alex yet." Taiga observed.

"Yeah, that's true. Well, he seems alright, I guess. He just...I don't know, he just doesn't seem like someone that's as big as he's supposed to be. His attitude is completely opposite of what I thought." "How so?" "He's not arrogant, or rude for that matter. He even helped Hiru carry my bags up to the hotel room, one that he personally drove us to. And he didn't even try to hit on me; that's what weirded me out the most. He's incredibly different from any dude I've ever worked with before."

Taiga hummed. "That's really strange. Not a bad strange, though." "Meh. Makes me weary. I don't know what's going through his head." "Well, I guess you'll figure that out once you start working with him. Are you gonna be working with him today?" Taiga asked. "I don't know. I'm gonna try and have a bit of time to myself before I try to work. I'm thinking I'll head down to the pool after our call." "Okay. You get to the pool then, and I'm gonna get back to sleep." "Oh, but I kinda wanted to stay on the phone." Miku said sarcastically. "I'll call you tonight." Taiga said. "Haha alright. Night, Taiga." "Bye, and morning, Miku."

After changing into a black swimsuit, Miku went down to the pool with some of her things. Upon entering the pool room, the first thing that Miku noticed was a shirtless Alex at a poolside table, wearing sunglasses and headphone, and focused on his laptop. Miku didn't move at first, waiting to see if he'd notice her. When he didn't, she simply sighed and sat about four chairs away from him, going through her own music. A few minutes passed where neither of them were aware of each other's presence, and were fully engaged in their music. Alex was the first to look up and at Miku.

"Miku!" Alex called out. She didn't respond. He tried again. No response. Alex looked around, then chuckled as he picked up his towel. He reeled his arm back and tossed it at Miku. She shrieked as it nailed her in the side of her head, disturbing her music and her rest. "What?!" She shouted, glaring at him. Alex, with a smile on his face, said nothing. He simply stood up and walked over to Miku. He then proceeded to bend down and pick up his towel. "Excuse me miss, I seemed to have dropped my towel." He said with a chuckle.

Miku rolled her eyes at him. "That was highly unnecessary." "Probably not, but it got the desired effect." Alex said, tossing his towel back to his chair and sitting in the chair closest to her. "Good morning!" He said cheerfully. "Morning." "You sleep well?" He asked politely, getting comfortable. "Well, yeah it was fine. The bed was decent." "That's how hotel beds usually are." Alex said with a nod. "How'd you sleep?" Miku asked in return.

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