Chapter 16: The Maximoff Twins

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When I had arrived back at the Avengers Facility, I went straight to my room. I knew I had to face everyone eventually but for right now, I couldn't. I sat down on my bed and ran my hands through my hair. The only thing I could focus on was Pietro.

He was alive...

I covered my mouth with my hand and tried not to let a sob out. I squeezed my eyes shut but tears had already escaped. Are these happy tears because my brother is alive? Or are they sad tears because he isn't at peace and never was. They were probably both.

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath. I could hear the other Avengers coming back. I gathered myself up and went down to meet them. I walked all the way to Tony's lab across the facility, assuming that's where they'd be. As I entered, the quiet chattering ceased when they saw me.

Steve took a step forward. "Wanda, are you alright?" He asked.

I noticed that they had brought the cradle in. The sight of Pietro alive and breathing in the cradle took my breath away. My hex started to swirl around my hands. Steve noticed and held his arms out, taking a step back along with everyone else. Did they think I was about to have another melt down? I mean, I didn't feel one surging. I decided to take a risk anyway. I took another deep breath, and instead of unleashing my scarlet hex, I let out a laugh. My hex swarmed around me while I laughed. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Everyone looked confused. I ran over to the cradle and placed my hands on the top.

"My brother is alive!" I cried gleefully.

I was starting to feel happy again. Everything was starting to feel normal. Without thinking, I grabbed Steve and Natasha and hugged them. Steve hugged back instantly, as did Natasha. I hugged Rhodes and even Tony. Sam didn't wait as he hugged me himself.

"This is a beautiful moment." Sam said.

"Don't get all weepy on us Sam." Natasha replied as she smiled a big smile.

Sam rolled his eyes and tried to casually wipe 'dust' away from his eye.

"We're glad that you're happy Wanda." Vision spoke up.

I met his eyes and gave him a smile.

I looked around the room and realized that I still kind of felt empty without Clint here. I wondered if he was okay. I wanted to ask everyone but It would just bring up the awful stuff that I did. Everything would be perfect if Clint and Bucky were here...

I excused myself and went down to the end of the hall. I looked out the big glass window and sighed. I am happy, I really am. I'll finally have my family back. I pushed away my thoughts and just stared out the window. It was a beautiful day. Maybe I should go outside and enjoy it. I started to turn away from the window when I heard a crash and glass shattered all around me. I whipped around in just enough time for Bucky to grab me by the neck with his metal hand, clasping something cold around my neck. I realized that it was something that muted my powers. I struggled against him but he was too strong.

I could hear muffled footsteps coming from the Avengers.

"Bucky please! Let me go!" I cried. He dragged me outside and tossed me into a large black SUV. I caught a glimpse of the Avengers rushing outside, Clint being one of them. My heart started to pound once I saw him. Before Bucky slammed the door on me, I made eye contact with Clint. He looked worried and angry. I heard gunshots and a loud thump, then we sped off leaving the Avengers in the dust. I clawed at the cold, metal brace around my neck but it wouldn't budge. The backdoor to the SUV opened and Bucky flung himself in the seat beside me all while closing the door behind him. I flinched when he sat down.

I was never scared of Bucky, but now...

I am completely terrified of him.

Bucky and other strong men took me all the way to a subway station. Amell was there waiting for us, among completely oblivious pedestrians.

"Wanda! So glad you could join us! Again." Amell clapped.

I scowled and yanked my arm out of Bucky's grip.

"It was so charming, you getting the Winter Soldier out of his trance. Luckily for me, he wasn't completely out of it so all I had to do was just snap him back into it." Laughing, Amell grabbed me and pushed me into one of the subway cars, ignoring every pedestrian in his way. He looked at Bucky and nodded.

Bucky took out his gun and started shooting the roof of the subway station. People started screaming and running for exit. It didn't take long for everyone to clear out. Soon, it was just me and Amell's men. They all boarded the subway with me but we didn't take off just yet.

"Wanda, I had hoped we could use your powers for something...fantastic! Sadly, you just will not cooperate. I'm getting tired of your childish ways and honestly, I just want you gone. That is why my great friend James will do the honor of killing you." Amell smiled but he looked upset. I tried so hard not to roll my eyes. He snapped his fingers and his men stepped off the subway car and back onto the platform. He started to get off but he looked back at me.

"It was nice meeting you, Wanda Maximoff." With that said, he met up with his men leaving only Bucky and I.

Bucky pointed his gun at me, his finger on the trigger. I could feel tears fall down my face. This is it. I'm going to die at the hands of the love of my life.

Suddenly, a loud commotion sounded from the platform. I looked and saw some of the Avengers fighting off Amell's men. I felt relieved. They found me.

I noticed that Bucky was still looking at me with the gun held on me. He couldn't go out there and help Amell. He had orders.

"Bucky please..." I whispered.

He didn't look fazed one bit. I could tell he was about to shoot. I backed up slowly but hit something hard. I turned around and saw Clint. I gasped in relief. He had his bow and arrow trained on Bucky. Both of them were in a standoff.

"Wanda, get out of here." Clint demanded.

I started towards the door of the subway car when something knocked Bucky off of his feet and onto the floor. I looked up from Bucky and saw...Pietro.

"Pietro." I breathed out.

"What the hell?" Clint choked out. He looked from Bucky's unconscious form on the ground and back to Pietro.

Pietro smirked. "What? You didn't see that coming?"

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