Chapter 17: Family

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I couldn't believe my eyes.

Pietro was standing right there. We were so close, yet so far away.

Clint hadn't said anything. He was probably still shocked at the sight.

I couldn't stand here any longer.

I whispered out his name softly, the word barely escaping my lips, but he heard.

I ran and threw my arms around his neck, holding him in a tight embrace. His arms wrapped around my waist and held on tight, his face buried in my shoulder. We didn't speak, not one word. We just held each other.

There was no more commotion outside on the platform, and soon, the avengers came running onto the subway car.

"He won't be out for long. We should probably get going." Steve said, motioning towards Bucky.

"I'd say we give them another minute." Natasha said, looking at Pietro and I.

"Am I the only one who has no idea what the hell is going on?" Clint demanded.

Sam chuckled and threw his arm around Clint. "Long story short, the kid is alive and his sister is happy."

Steve looked at the Avengers sternly. "Let's keep it that way."

When we arrived back at the Avengers facility, I took Pietro back to my room so we could have a much needed chat. I caught him up on everything that's happened in the past year.

"Okay, wait. That guy was your boyfriend?" He asked.

I nodded slowly.

"The guy who was trying to kill you is your boyfriend. Makes sense." Pietro joked. I playfully shoved him.

"You know who he is, Pietro. You also know what can happen to him." I reminded him.

He nodded. "I know, I know. I just don't like the fact that you two are together. He could seriously hurt you one of these days."

I hesitated before answering. Pietro was right, but I trusted Bucky. I trusted him with my life. "Winter Soldier or Bucky, he would never hurt me. Out there on the subway car, he didn't kill me immediately. I saw him hesitate." I replied.

Pietro placed his hand on top of mine. "I just don't want to see you get I did."

I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

We both looked up when the door opened. "Mind if I come in?" Clint asked.

I smiled and motioned for him to come in. I told Pietro all about how Clint took care of me after he died. How he became a big brother to me.

Clint came and stood in front of us, he reached out his hand and pulled Pietro to his feet. "It's uh...It's great to have you back." He said, shaking Pietro's hand.

"Feels great." Pietro replied.

Clint pulled him into a hug and then quickly shoved him away. "Okay, well, don't die again you speedy bastard." With that, he left in a hurry out of my room.

I smiled. This was the family I wanted. I never want it to change.

"I'm really glad that Clint took care of you while I was...gone." Pietro said. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Oh, sorry. I can come back."

I looked up and saw Vision about to walk out of my room. He was a sneaky android.

"No, it's fine." I motioned for Vision to come back in.

"Uh, Pietro? May I speak to Ms. Wanda alone?" He asked.

Pietro nodded. He got up and met Vision.

"Thanks for saving my sister back in Sokovia." He placed a hand on Vision's shoulder. Vision gave him a smile and nodded. With that, Pietro left us alone. Vision walked over and sat down beside me on my bed.

"Wanda...if anything had happened to you back on that subway car..." Vision trailed off.

I placed my hand on Vision's. "Hey, I'm okay. Bucky would have never hurt me."

Vision looked me in the eyes. "How do you know that for sure?"

"He hesitated. Last time I checked, assassins don't hesitate with their target. Especially ones they're romantically involved with." I was quick to reply.

Vision looked away when I said 'romantically involved'. I lowered my eyes. Vision was so hard to read sometimes, but this time...he wasn't. I lifted my hand, my scarlet hex flowing out. It almost reached him when he turned back.

"Are you trying to get inside my head?" He asked quietly.

I nodded slowly, feeling ashamed of myself. I couldn't believe I was just about to do that to Vision.

"I was blocking you out...but you may try again." He lifted my hand back up.

I looked at him, but let my hex flow back out again. Once it reached his mind, I was thrown into a sea of memories. Mostly of us. I saw myself in all of them, smiling at him or laughing with him. Once I reached what he feared the most, I was scared to access it.

I did anyway.

I saw myself again, the life escaping from my eyes. Someone had a hold of me by my throat. I recognized the arm from anywhere. Bucky was killing me.

This is what Vision feared the most. My death.

I was sucked back into reality when Vision blocked me again. He didn't look at me.

"Vis..." I said softly. I placed my hand on his cheek. He eventually turned and faced me.

I placed my arms around his neck and hugged him. I felt the warmth of his hands on my back.

"I don't see any reason to go on in this world if you're not here to see any of it." He whispered.

I shut my eyes but a tear had already escaped. I hugged Vision tighter.

Clint wasn't the only rock I had.

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