Chapter Three.

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Chapter Three.

Violet's POV

It is funny when you get lost in your head so far down that you feel like you can't live another moment. That every second you live longer makes you stronger and stronger and you are afraid of the outcome. I can't tell you what will happen tomorrow and what will even happen hours from now.

But I can tell you the past. And the past is like everything I could ever imagine.

A little bumpy at first but when it was good, it was very very well.

Drew could have played a part of that as well. Drew played so many parts of my summer and he may never know that but I just hope he is going to stay safe.

Drew is like my sunshine. He is what I was waking up to and looking forward to waking up in the morning. He was so much more than what he gives to himself.

But don't we all do that at times? We all don't give ourselves credit for maybe making an impact on someone's life.  Instead we look down and never bring our self back up.

I believe i made an impact in someone's life. I want to say Drew's. I really do. I want to so badly. But I don't even know if I did or not.

When I start thinking about the relation-shop Drew and I had I know it was short and it was fast but I also know that it was worth it. We don't care about whether the distance will play a roll or not. We don't care if anything of that matters. We just care if we can see each other again and reunite in the future, then maybe that is what our relationship could be based upon. Believing this could happen...

"Violet you have all those boxes to the U-Haul that I told you to bring down there don't you??" my mother asks from down the hall. I roll my eyes because she saw me carry them.

I politely holler back, "yeah I have them already to go!!" 

There was no answer so I sense she finally gave me some space. All that was left in my room at least was my dresser, my bed with no sheets on it, my mirror, and my spin around chair with my desk. Nothing was in the desk because I put all that stuff in a box labeled 'things for the desk'. Complicated. I know.

But there is one other thing I haven't gotten from my room. And that is my laptop. I don't like to use my phone when I skype because it makes it slow so I am going to use my laptop to Skype Drew. He gave me his skype so I would know his name. Around five-ish I get a notification saying that I was getting a call from drewdirksen10. I breathe in slowly and then push accept.

His face looks frozen for a little while and I furrow my eyebrows, "drew?" I ask.

"Hello," he says. He finally moves and he bites his lip, "so I know it is to early to ask you this but when are you leaving?"

"My plane doesn't leave until eight so I think I probably still have two hours to talk to you," I reply smiling.

I see his head shaking, "you are so full of it sometimes. I guess that is so tough to think about, huh? Going that late and then having about a five hour plane ride (don't quote this on me please, imagination). "

I shrug and the say,"it is alright I feel like it would go by fast."

Drew just sits there on my screen not moving. Not blinking. I should be used to this by now because he would do this all the time but I change my position on my bed and then lick the bottom of my lip, "I can't believe for once I am tongue tied."

It Ends with Goodbye◇Drew Dirksen (Sequel to It Starts with Hello)Where stories live. Discover now