Loki - Babysitter (part 2)

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Lmao please excuse the random picture it'll make sense later on I promise.
"(Y/n) wake up" you opened your eyes to see Natasha. "We're leaving be good okay?" She said before she kissed your head and left. You went to the bathroom and changed and went outside but you didn't see Clint anywhere. Instead there was a note. 'You're home alone xo clinty poo' you sighed before remembering Loki was here.

You ran to his cage and opened it and went inside. He was curled up in a ball on the corner of the room asleep. "Loki wake up" he looked at you before doing a 'get away from me' motion. You grabbed his hand and practically dragged him. "Okay, what?" He asked finally getting up. "No ones here to watch me" he looked at you before rubbing his temples. "And why do I have to watch you hm?"

You looked up at him. "Because, also I got your ass out of that cage so..." You walked away and soon enough Loki followed you. Walking to the kitchen you made some coffee for him. "And this is?" He swirled the spoon around the cup. "Coffee" he sipped it before gulping it down in a matter of seconds.

"Okay so...when was the last time you washed your hair?" He shrugged his shoulders and placed his cup into the sink. "Okay come my raven haired friend" you washed his hair over the bathtub ,helped him comb it, and you braided it.

Sitting down and watching TV you looked at him. "Teach me your powers" he laughed before changing the channel. "It's too complicated for you my child" he said before turning on the food network. He stared fascinated at the screen. Smores dip it's said on the screen.

"Loki, you teach me your powers and I'll make you that" he nodded before he sat crossed legged on the couch like you and began to play with his powers. "I shouldn't do this but, follow me okay?" You nodded before he moved his hands and you followed. "Good, do not be scared my pupil, its magic embrace it" He made a butterfly in the air and passed it to you.

You moved your hands as it flew around according to your movements. "Wow you're doing good for your first try" he said. You closed your hands as it vanished in thin air. "Okay Loki dokie lets go make that dip. You took out the chocolate and lined the bottom of he pan with it. Then you placeg marshmallows on the top and you baked it. "Loki wanna do me a favor?" You asked as he nodded.

"Thors cape and your mask thingy" he went to grab the supplies while you walked and took out a small tiara that you had and some eyeshadow. You put on the mask thing and the cape while Loki put on the tiara and it was time for the eye shadow.You took it and rubbed it against his eyes.


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