Loki- Babysitter (part 4)

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Okay so quick disclaimer this part will have talk about cutting and suicide and such so please be advised.
You set the gun down before the security made a wall and made some space while the other avengers watched. Loki set you down and you took off his mask. "Why (Y/n)?" He asked you looked down in guilty ness before speaking. "I would murder myself just so you can live" you said before giving a small weak laugh through the tears.

"Why do you think I always sleep longer and I wear sweaters?" Loki stared at your eyes before lifting your sleeves up to reveal small cuts and a small henna tattoo. He read the small sentence 'we're all vampires, we say we're dead inside but yet we still are alive' he read out loud.
Steve wanted to run towards you but Bucky held him back and Natasha cried against Clint, Pietro had an arm around Wanda who had tears in her eyes while the others watched on. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you!" He said now with tears in his eyes. "You have you gave me the most amazing day yesterday! And I help you" you said smiling through the tears.

He hugged you tightly before whispering in your ear. "Please don't do that again" you nodded your head ever so slightly. "You can't take him away" you went onto Loki's shoulders as he lifted you up. "He's a criminal Tony! He can kill all of us!" Phil retorted looking at you. You looked down and Loki rubbed your hand.

"He can change" Natasha walked towards Phil with Clint standing protectively next to her. "How so? Ms. Romanoff" Phil crossed his hands above his chest. "Starting with that beautiful girl who loves the damaged yet who is broken" you and Loki nodded approving her to use those words.

"That doesn't change my mind though" Natasha sighed before Clint went in front of her. "She's broken can't you see? She's not happy obviously that's why she's with a criminal" you sighed before redoing the magic that Loki taught you. The small butterfly flew around where you were.

You flew it down to one of the guards that gently touched it. The guards knew not to talk but you can tell they were on your side. Loki sat you down and you sat between his legs. Wanda saw you both and made a force field around you two.

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