"Hey Capsicle where's- Oh" Tony saw the sight of the teen latched onto the once Winter soldier who trudged from the elevator smiling happily along with an annoyed looking Steve. "She wouldn't stop talking" Steve sighed and fell onto the couch.
"So why'd they cut your arm?" You asked looking at Bucky while you piggy back rode him. "When I fell, my arm was pretty much done for so they cut it" Bucky said smiling at you. "That's awesome"
"(Y/n)! Darling, Baby girl, Sweet pea, Apple of my eye, would you mind detaching yourself from Mr grumpy gills here? I really need to-"
"No, he's mine Tony back off" You hugged yourself closer to Bucky and rested your head on his shoulder.
"(Y/n) I need to fix his arm after him being gone, please?"
Shaking your head you wrapped your arms under Bucky's Arm pits and he sighed.
"(Y/n) don't make me get-"
"It's okay doll, I'll be back in a few" Bucky set you down and kissed your forehead before following Tony to the lab.
"So who put the eyeliner on you?" Bucky shrugged and straightened his posture while sitting on your bed. "I just kinda woke up, rubbed my eyes, and this black stuff was just spread out on my hands"
Finishing up the last line you smiled. "Alright, look in the mirror!" Grabbing the small mirror from the side you showed Bucky his face with eyeliner around his eyes.
"Bucky we need to- okay" Looking at the doorway you saw Steve with a tray of food. "Hey bro, your turn?" Wiggling the pencil you showed it to him before he shook his head. "Last time I let you put eyeliner on me you poked my eye"
"Yeah because I was 9, but look! Doesn't he look like a devil?" Pushing Bucky's face to face Steve he smiled smugly at his best friend. "Yeah, he looks like a damn beauty queen"
Rolling your eyes you looked at Bucky. "Don't listen to him Buck, he's only mad because he had a semi permanent black dot on his eye when I was little"
It had been a few minutes since Steve and Bucky left for a meeting. You decided to do some more scooping on your best friends brother with the only place he couldn't get into....the internet.
Searching through different websites you found the same information as the Museum. "Hey?" Looking up at the doorway you saw the Winter soldier himself.
"Sup? Whatcha need buck?" You asked closing your computer. "Uh, I don't have a room yet" Bucky said. Looking behind him you saw he had a pillow and blankets in his hands. "You can sleep over if you want? But it has to be on my bed. I can't have you sleep on the floor. It's dirty"
Bucky smiled and went over to your bed putting out his pillow and blanket and climbing in. Shutting your headlight off you laid down only to realize it was kinda cramped. "Let me" Bucky grabbed your waist and pulled you in. In a matter of seconds you heard his light snores. Getting comfy you smiled to yourself and let out a deep breath.
Clint watched with Natasha from the vents that was over your room. "God these two are disgusting" Clint said looking down the grate. "Cmon Barton let them get some sleep" Shuffling through the vents Clint and Nat made their way down to the Main lounge where they opened the grille and went down.

Avengers X Reader
FanfictionHere's a series of X Readers, Oneshots, and chapter fics!