Being the newest edition to the team, it was quite easy for you to make friends. Everyone was curious to your powers and you being you received the name of 'Avi' for avatar. As your corresponding powers being fire, water, earth, and air.
Bucky being the one of the few to actually talk to you would stare quite often as you played with some of your powers. And at those times you would sometimes see him and smile as he looked away. You'd even let a small ball of fire send his way to amuse him.
"Bucky it's your turn for the dishes" you looked up and watched him trudge over to the sink and you smiled to yourself a bit. You shared a floor with Steve, Sam, and Bucky since you were the three to keep him at least a bit sane ever since he got thawed out.
"Avi, you going anywhere today?" Snapping out of your thoughts you looked to sam and spoke. "Um, no actually. Why? Are you and Steve planning to head out?" Steve nodded before going back to his book. "We'll be back around 10, fury wanted us to help him sort out some things" you nodded and went back to your iPad.
3rd Persom
"Bucks, you need to relax" Avi said as she did another yoga pose with Bucky next to her. "What do you think I'm doing?" He said before stumbling and falling for the 3rd time this session. "Doesn't seem like it" She smiled and he grumbled some incoherent words before going back and sitting down. "Well sorry Ms. Little "I'm avatar"" He smiled to you and he began to make some coffee.
"I'm glad we didn't go to the gym today, Clint said he saw some wierd funk between the floor tiles" Avi said sitting down in one of the island chairs. "Hope they fix it" Bucky placed a coffee in front of her and watched as she began to play with her powers.
"Water is my favorite" She spoke as she twirled a small stream of water around her finger. "Hm?" Bucky set his cup down looking at her. "My power. Water is my favorite, and so is air. Water because you can do this" Avi let the water spray into the air letting it trickles down the both of them.
"And air because it can do this" She said before air gently blew across the winter soldiers face. "You know what's my favorite?" Avi shut her hand as Bucky leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Avengers X Reader
FanfictionHere's a series of X Readers, Oneshots, and chapter fics!