Clint - Hearing Aids

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"Clint!" You said for the 3rd time. He was only 3 feet away from you and reading the newspaper in his hands completely unaware of your callings. Walking up to him you pushed his paper down to get his attention. "Clint, I've been calling you for over 5 minutes now, what the hell?" Clint only stared at you with a blank expression as you spoke.

Realizing what might be wrong , you pushed his head to the side. No Hearing Aids. You knew he forgot but who can blame him? Signing "I'll be back" you walked to his room leaving him in the kitchen.

Going by the night stand you saw the nude colored hearing aids and you turned them on. Running back to where Clint was you adjusted them to his ears for him. Clint shifted them around a bit for him to get comfortable and he tweaked it a bit.

"Thank you (Y/n),I'm sorry I couldn't hear you earlier" Clint said smiling up at you. You nodded taking your seat back down. "Clint?" You asked turning your chair around. "Yes munchkin?" He didn't look up from his papers in front of him, and you smiled.

"Do your hearing aids fall out of your ears when we're fighting? Is that why you don't wear them a lot?" Clint nodded turning the page of his paper.. You nodded before heading to the lab. Going up to Tony you looked at what he was doing. He was currently zapping some monster that he probably created with glue.

"Can I ask for a favor?" Tony hummed allowing you to continue. "I want to make new hearing aids for Clint. Because sometimes he doesn't wear them since they're uncomfortable" you said playing with your fingers. "And half of the time he doesn't even eat them because they fall out.

Tony took off his gloves and led you to his desk. Grabbing some parts out of a box he handed them to you. "Here, just attach those two with that and the foam ones go at the end" You thanked him and began to piece the small parts.

Going back to Clint you smiled at him and handed him the new hearing aids.Taking a seat across from him you saw a smile began to form. "No need to say thank you.....but I got help from tony to give these to you.Its not fun when you can't hear us" he thanked you and hugged while you went about your day.

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